Twennie Four

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Hailee's POV

I woke up before y/n, last night was a dream come true, at the same time it felt so right and wrong, she basically works for me. I wanted it to happen and it did, and now I don't know what to feel, don't get me wrong the night was amazing, she was amazing, I just didn't want to jeopardise anything, I've only known her for almost 2 weeks.

I looked over at her and watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful and pretty. I checked my phone and was sent another article from Anna. I opened it. The paps had somehow caught the moment when y/n picked me up and hugged. The title was, 'Hailee Steinfeld appears to confirm that she is dating her new tour photographer y/n'. "pathetic", I say. I reply to Anna. "the media make up anything, I tripped up on a pothole and she helped me up lol", I typed. Anna replied, "I don't get why people can't mind their own business". I shrugged my shoulders and put my phone down.
I watched y/n again. I lay down right beside her and slowly ran my hand up and down her arm. She started to move a little. "it's fine, stay sleeping", I said. She grunts a little moving more. She slowly Wakes up. She opens her eyes. "good morning sunshine", I say. "hey", she says in a sleepy voice. "I just want to tell you, last night was amazing and it meant a lot to me", I say. "right back at you, I'll never forget it, it was perfect", she says. It was perfect, everything. "but listen, I was thinking, I don't want to ruin what we have as a friendship", I say. She nods her head. "I was almost thinking the same, cause I don't want it to be ruined in anyway, and also cause I technically work for you, it wouldn't be fair", she says. "thank you for understanding y/n, we can talk about it if you want, cause in not gonna lie, you seem to know your way around", I say nervously. "really I was really nervous, I'd never even kissed a woman never mind, slept with one", she laughed. "I can assure you, it was a perfect night", I say. We both laugh. How did I find this girl, she's so fucking respectful and mature. I was so lucky. We just lay with each other in bed. As much as I wanted to kiss her, I couldn't, the media was also annoying me. So I pulled her in and hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. "thank you for understanding y/n, it means a lot", I say. "of course, Hailee I respect you more than anyone", she says. Damn this girl.

She got out of bed with just a crop top on. I could see her back tattoo. It was super sexy. I got up and walked up to her. "actually, does the tattoo have a meaning or is it you like the design", I ask. "I loved the design so was like fuck it", she said. I ran my fingers over it. "was sore I bet", I said. "hurt like a mottherfucker but worth it, actually I've been wanting to get more tattoos for ages now just have got around to doing it", she said. "I just got an idea", I say. Y/n turns around. "I've been dying to get my first one M, we can both go and get one", I say happily. "shit stop really, that would be awesome", she says. "today", I ask. "what's your agenda for the day", she asks. "I've an outdoor interview at 12pm and then just a meeting after and then till about 4 I'm free cause then that when I've to start getting ready",I say. "alright sounds good, I know a place not far from here, I'll get us an appointment for 2",y/n says.

We hit the gym after, almost a daily ritual. She does leg work and ab work, she can't do any weights cause of her shoulder. I focused on legs today.

I left for my stuff at 11.30, y/n said she had some photo editing to do. I arrived at my interview and there was fans waiting outside. My loves. There were a few screams, I smiled. It was an open interview, so I was on a stage and some fans were let in and asked me questions. "how many times a week would you go to the gym", asked one. "almost every day, it's so refreshing and you feel good after, would highly recommend", I reply. "what's it like being in Italy? “." truly amazing and I'm so thankful I get to do this for a living". The next question I knew it was coming. "there have been some pictures going around online of you and y/n, is she just the photographer or is there something else going on there? “. I go a little red." well, before anthing, people shouldn't be too quick to judge and shouldn't believe everything they see and read online, as for the photos, I fell and she helped me up, but no she's a good friend", I replied.
I finished the interview and was on my way to a meeting back at the hotel. I made my way though the lobby and into a conference tyoe of room. My team was there. We just went over some stuff for the show tonight and the plan for the next week. This was going to be night one of two in Rome and then I was off to France. I also wrote out y/n's first paycheck, she deserved every cent, social media and my fans loved the pictures, most of all I loved them, she had a good style.
I knocked on y/n's door at exactly 2pm. She had changed into a pair of jeans, an oversized t-shirt and a jacket. "you ready", she asked me. "let's do it", I say.
We get to the tattoo studio and I start to get a little nervous. I had my design picked out ages ago. "I'll go first so you know that you have nothing to worry about", she reassures me. We walk in and get set up. I show the artist who draws up both out tattoos. "who's first", she asks. "I am", y/n says. She sits in the chair and puts her arm out. Y/n went for a flower design. The artist started tattooing and y/n sat there like a pro. It took only about 30 minutes and she was done. Y/n looked at it. "wow, mí piace tanto grazie", she said. "uhh, since when do you speak Italian", I ask confused. "I don't I know a couple of words", she laughs. I sit in the chair and put out my arm. I decided to go for an Emily Dickinson quote, I had my heart set on it. Y/n held my other hand. The artist started tattooing, I flinched a little. "wait that's bearable just about", I say. "see told you Lee",y/n says.

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