Twennie Seven

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Hailee's POV

I wake up and check my phone. It was 10am. I have such a bad headache and dont really remember too much about the night before. Although I did remember that y/n had tripped over my suitcase and got a nose bleed. I looked over and she wasn't there. "y/n", I say. There was no response. I get up out of the bed. "y/n", I say again. Still no response. I walked around the room. She was nowhere. I knocked on the toliet door, no response. I opened the door. She wasn't in there. I got my phone and opened our message chat. "where are you", I sent. I heard a notification go off. I looked behind me and her phone was charging on the night stand. I walked over to her phone. Her wallpaper caught my eye. It was a picture of me at the show in Amsterdam. I smiled. "this girl", I said. It was then she walked in the door. "Hey Hailee", she says. I turn around. "where have you been, I've been worried, you left your phone", I say. I walk up and give her a hug. "I just went to the shop, I needed some painkillers and I got us some stuff", y/n says. I see that she's holding a bag. "what did you get", I ask. Y/n walks over to the bed and starts taking stuff out of the bag. "so, painkillers, some protein bars, a bag of sweets and some plasters", she says. "speaking of how is the cut", I ask. "I'm not sure I haven't taken the tape off yet", she says. "I'll help you, we've to clean the wound, and then put a new plaster on", I say. "okay doctor Hailee", she jokes. "hawkeye stuff", I joke back. "I'm still waiting for a season 2 confirmation", she jokes.
I take the plaster off. Her cut still looks pretty bad. "woah, I took a tumble", she says. "a pretty bad one", I say. I disinfect her wound and she flinched a little. I put the new plaster on. "thank you", y/n says. "I'm having to stitch you up all over the place, first your shoulder now this, what's next", I joke. "I'm a little clumsy I gotta say", she says. I laugh. "so what now, you have the day off or", she asks. "yeah I do, then I'm on time off from tomorrow, I'm flying to Italy in a couple of days", I say. "cool, alright well, I'm gonna fly home tonight, and then whenever you need me, just let me know", she says. I smile at her. "you know y/n, I don't know what is it, but since the day we met, I've been so I dont know how to put it, I guess I never thought I'd meet a person like you, you know, its just sad that it's over", I say sadly. "when I met you in those toilets, I never would have imagined it would have lead to me touring with you for over a month, it was truly the best time of my life, I will never be able to thank you", she says. "I can't thank you enough y/n, I've had the best time, I got a tattoo, had a couple of drunken nights and so many memories all cause of you", I say. "I just wanted you to be happy", she says. "you make me really happy y/n, being around you is just good energy and I always have a great time with you", I say. "me too", she smiles. "wait that reminds me, I've something for you", she says. "wait here".
Y/n comes back a few minutes later with a bag. She hands it to me. "what's this", I ask. "just another thank you", she says. "I already told you to stop saying thank you y/n", I say. "just open it", she says smiling. I open the bag and pull out a lovely bunch of flowers, a nice box of chocolates, a t-shirt and a canvas board. The t-shirt is a collection of pictures that y/n took around Europe and of places we went to see together. The canvas board was her phone wallpaper. A picture of me at the show were we first met. "oh my god", I say. I start crying. "this is so sweet, wow, thank you", I say giving her a hug. "you are very welcome Hailee", she says. This was so sweet, I knew I had a thing for this girl but she just keeps making my thing bigger. "actually, I've something for you too", I say. I go over to my bag and take out a wrapped item. I hand it to her. She opens it. "nah Hailee, nah", she freaks out. "Hailee no, that's too much", she says. She unrolls the hoodie. "how did you know", she says. "when you and Felix went out shopping I asked him and he sent me a picture of this", I say. She jumps onto me causing me to fall onto the bed. We just lie there, her on top of me. Both of us crying happy.

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