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It is 10pm and we are out for a late dinner in this beautiful restaurant. I ordered a pizza, and Hailee ordered some pasta. It was just us two at dinner, her parents went back to the hotel and the same with her team, they were getting ready for the next shows in a couple of days. Hailee gets a notification. She looks at her phone. She picks it up and laughs. "what? “, I ask." ha, Anna, just sent me this article and asks is it true", Hailee says. "what article", I ask. Hailee opens the article and hands me her phone. There it was an article with the headline, 'does Hailee Steinfeld have a secret girlfriend, girl covers face when they leave hotel'. My face goes red. "wow, the media can twist anything, I was just being blinded that's why I covered my face, shit Hailee I'm so sorry", I say. "what, it's not your fault, people are just so quick to assume these days", she says. I hand her back her phone. "the whole Internet thinks that I'm secretly gay or bi, I see the videos the references", she says. "listen, that is no one else's business except yours and who you decide to tell, Hailee, that's your private life and you dont have to say anything", I say. "I know, I just wish people didn't assume a lot of stuff, don't get me wrong, I literally played a gay icon on a show, I fully support the community just not when people assume just based off of what someone wears, or acts or talks or whatever you know", she says. "some stereotypes are so annoying, I know", I reply. "do people assume the same about you¿“, she asks." yeah a few people think im in the closet, and that I just have a quality or something, I don't know, but it's no one's business", I say. "if you want to talk about it I'm here", Hailee says grabbing my hand. "thank you, same for you", I say.
I pay for the dinner and we leave. Hailee's driver picks us up and drives us to the club. On the way there we come across an off licence. "I'll show you the Irish way to drink", I laugh.
We go into the off licence, I grab a bottle of vodka and mixer, and Hailee grabs a couple of cans. "that's it? A couple", I ask. "well yeah, surely that's enough", she says. "if you are a well lightweight then yeah that's grand", I joke.

We leave the off licence get back into the car. I pour out some sprite into an empty bottle. With the rest of the sprite I pour in all the vodka. "what are you doing?, Hailee asks concerned." predrinking of course", I say. I mix the drink and take a huge gulp. Hailee looks at me stunned. I make a face when I'm done as the vodka is super strong. "try it if you want", I say. Hailee takes the bottle of me and tries. She takes a small sip and hands me back the bottle. "I don't know how you do it y/n, that's gross", she says. "I know it's vile stuff, but it's cheap and gets you drunk, that's a phrase we have in Ireland", I laugh.

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