Part Fity Nine

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Hailee and I were sound asleep when my phone starts ringing loudly. I am jolted awake. "oh shit who the fuck wants me at this hour", I say to myself. I look at my phone. Felix's name is on my screen. I answer. "hello", I say. "hey y/n how are you", he says. "I'm good except you woke me up", I joke. "oh sorry my bad", he says. "how have you been", I ask. "I'm honestly great, I've been busy at work and I even got myself a girlfriend", he says. I smile. "wow good for you, I hope I get to meet her soon", I say. "of course, next time you happen to come here let me know", he says. "I will", I say. "listen I just wanted to make sure you are okay, I saw what happened last night, there's an article online", he says. "oh that yeah, I'm fine, it's just Hailee"s psycho ex boyfriend", I say. Hailee moves a little. "I'm sorry, I hope you guys are okay", he says. "I'm angry but that doesn't matter, what matters is that Hailee is okay, I say." exactly, pass her on my words", he says. "I will, was nice speaking to you", I say. "you too, bye y/n", he says. I hang up. Hailee slowly opens her eyes. "who was that", she says mumbling. "Felix, an article is already online of what happened last night", I say. "oh fuck me", Hailee says. "listen, I just want to make sure that you are okay", I say. Hailee cuddles up to me. "I'm fine, or how you say it, I'm grand", she laughs. "that was kinda cute", I say giving her a kiss on the forehead. Hailee pulls me on top of her. "woah jaysus easy there", I say. I lie on her chest and can hear how fast her heart is beating. I put my hand over it. "Didn't know you liked me this much", I joke. "I don't like you y/n", she says serious. "what did I do", I ask confused. "I love you, like a lot", Hailee says. "eh let me have a think about that", I say joking as I try to get off her. "oh you ain't getting away that easy from me", she says and drags me back down.

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