Twennie Six

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Your POV

Over the next three weeks, we travelled to France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, England, Scotland and Wales. The tour was the best thing ever to have happened to me, Hailee was the best thing to have happened to me. The closing tour was in London. I couldn't believe it was the last night, I didn't want it to end.
After the show we all cried a little, but happy tears. We went out clubbing and people like Dua Lipa and Adele happened to be in London aswell and we seshed with them till about 4am.
Hailee and I made our way back to the hotel in a taxi. We had both gotten pretty drunk again. I carried Hailee to bed, changed her clothes and put her to bed.
"y/n, can you stay here please", Hailee says. "yeah sure, you've spare pj's", I ask. "yeah they are somewhere in here", Hailee laughs. "well wow thank you for that, was great info", I say sarcasticly. Hailee laughs. I walk around and trip over her suitcase. I smack the floor. Hailee bursts out laughing histerically. I can barely move. "y/n, do you need help", Hailee says. My head starts to hurt a lot more, and my nose starts to bleed. "Hailee, get me a tissue please", I say. Hailee gets out of bed and walks over to me. "shit y/n, oh my god", she says as she runs for a towel. She comes back stumbling. She bends down beside me and puts me in a sitting position against the wall. "this is hard cause I'm seeing about three of you right now", she laughs. "me too", I say. Hailee puts the towel up to my nose and holds it there. She brushes my hair out if my face. "thank you", I say. She notices a cut on my chest. "your chest y/n", Hailee says worried. "I can't feel anything so I'm sure it grand", I say. "no for real y/n, serious, take your top off we need to put something on it", she says. "you can take it off, I can't move", I say. It was only a crop top. Hailee took it off and I was left in my bra. I started breathing heavier. My nose was still gushing. She put my top over my cut in my chest. She pressed a little into it and I could feel it. "owh shit, ah fuck", I say in pain. "sorry, hold still", Hailee says. "ahhh what did I do", I say. "we are so clumsy when we drink", Hailee laughs. "it's true but they make the best fun", I say. My nose slows down bleeding. "hold that there, Ill get some tape", Hailee says as she gets up. She goes to the bathroom and comes back with a couple of tapes and scissors. She cuts out a big square piece. She takes the towel away, and sticks the tape on. When she presses down it hurts a little. "ow, ow, easy", I say. "all done", Hailee says. "thank you", I say. "you are welcome", Hailee says. We look at each other and just smile. We both lean in. "wait Lee, what are we doing", I say. "I don't know, but I just want to kiss you", Hailee says. "me too Hailee", I say. "but remember what we said", I say. "yeah but I just want it to happen again", Hailee says. I kiss Hailee and she kisses me back. She puts her hand on my neck and kisses me again. "what are you doing to me", Hailee asks. "right back at you", I say.

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