I had Harry Styles child - don't take it to heart

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Happy new year everyone!! Well, yeah. Still depressing, but in the next couple chapters, it will get more positive, once all of the confessions are out. Hope you enjoy. Sorry it's been depressing in the last few chapters, and sorry it's been so long since I posted. I've been on holidays. Enjoy!! :) xx

Alexa's POV

"hurry up guys!! Or Danielle and I will be leaving without you!!" I screamed from downstairs.

"so when are you going to tell Harry, Zayn and Niall?" Danielle asked me, as we are waiting for them and Louis and Liam too, downstairs at the front door.

We are leaving today to go to the beach house, spend a week or so there. I'm still deciding when to tell Harry, Zayn and Niall, about the attempted and almost completed suicides, and self harm. Now I think about it, I hope Harry's and my new born won't get depression. Ugh *sigh* why did their fans have to be so mean to me, what did I ever do to them? Besides dating Harry, an awesome friend to the lads, but I'm so nice to them but I just get hate in return, which leads to depression. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it just did, still is, but I'm still happy, because I have Harry, family, friends, the lads, Edward, the new born, and the girls, Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie.

"not sure. I promised Liam and Louis I will tell the other lads today or sometime during the time we are at the beach house." I told Danielle.

"I guess only in time will tell us. So have you made an appointment for next time? Harry's going with you, isn't he?" Danielle asked.

"yeah. In a couple weeks, but if you want to get something for the baby, might have to get it when we get back..Harry is coming, he's excited about it." I answered Danielle.

"aww." Danielle said.

We both giggled. Harry, Niall and Liam came down first, with all of their suitcases, one each. Harry hugged me, I giggled lightly as he kissed my cheek. I then hugged Liam and Niall too. I looked over at Danielle, as the lads went outside, to put their suitcases away, she had a question on her mind, I could tell by the smirk on her face.

"do you still have the urge to bang Harry, though you're pregnant?" Danielle asked.

My jaw dropped to the ground, I looked at her in shock, for that question. I was not expecting that, at all. Well to be honest I do, but I told Harry that I won't be, he won't be either as well, just to be on the safe side, for the baby's safety. That made me think, Edward might be like his father, the flirt. Oh god, can't wait until he's a teenager. Note the sarcasm. I mentally rolled my eyes and mentally chuckled.

"I do still, but we said we wouldn't for the baby's safety." I told Danielle, I chuckled.

"what?" Danielle asked confusingly, raising an eyebrow at me.

"just feels like we're having one of those girl talks, where we talk about who we would bang and who is hot..." I said, Danielle and I laughed.

"what are you two wonderful ladies laughing at?" Louis asked, as he and Zayn walked down the stairs.

"oh nothing." Danielle and I said, still laughing slightly.

"ok then. Well we will wait in the cars, as you lock the house up." Zayn said.

"ok, be out in a minute." I said, as Louis and Zayn walked off.

Danielle and I turned all the lights and fans off, etc. We went outside and started locking up the house. Danielle waited for me.

"but we are girls, we are talking about if you still would like to bang your fiancé." Danielle said, smirking at me. "what if you two did, as a slip?" Danielle asked.

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