I had Harry Styles child - feeling a bit better

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So here's another chapter. Enjoy!! :) xx

Zayn's POV

Alexa and Harry came down the stairs with me, as I put Eddie back to sleep in his room. Alexa looked like she's been crying, she has been the past couple days, a lot. What's wrong with momma bear? As we got back into the lounge room...

"Hey guys, and Danielle, can Alexa tell you all something, well mainly Niall and Zayn? I will be helping her talk as well, as its depressing..." Harry said, as Alexa sat on Niall's lap, I sat next to them.

"Of course you can, what's wrong Alexa?" Niall and I asked.


After Alexa and Harry telling Niall and I why Alexa's depressed and what she's done, Niall and I were shocked. Niall held Alexa in his lap, as she cried herself to sleep, Niall and I started crying ourselves. I hugged her a few times. We all just finished having dinner, just a little barbecue. I'm now in mine and Liam's room, on my phone, on twitter. I sighed and decided to post a tweet.

@zaynmalik: found out depressing things 2day. Was shocked, tht I cried. PLEASE STOP THE HATE, PLEASE :( xx

@i_am_in_DiNiall: @zaynmalik wats wrong? Who's hating on who?

@zaynmalik: @i_am_in_DiNiall DM ya about it...

To @i_am_in_DiNiall: hey, just all the jelly Directioners and Directionators hating on Alexa, she's depressed... :(

Christina: hey, aww poor baby cakes :( well I know Harry will be making her happy again, she told me this afternoon, after she n Haz told you the story. But can u pretty plz with a mirror on top, help Haz with making her better, actually all of u guys and Danielle.

Me: yeah :( he told us guys while we were outside cooking dinner, while the girls were inside making the salads. We're going to help, hopefully we can see her beautiful smile that she always had when we first met her. Btw Haz n Alexa r getting married... :) xx

Christina: BBQ for din dins tonite aye? :P u will if u make her happy carefully, don't forget she takes things to heart, when she shouldn't, now I sound like Haz :/ oh well, have fun with that. I know, I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, aha :) xx I'm really hoping I'm coming to the wedding? :/

Me: yes :) aha, Haz moment... We will. Same here :) they're so cute together :) ur coming, I know that, Alexa and Danielle told me before I came in here, to Liam's and my bedroom, just in case if I were talking to u :) xx

Christina: that's awkward, I don't have 4 nipples :/ aha :) they r cute together, still can't believe he proposed in his boxers tho, aha. Awesome!! Now what to wear, jokes. Have they organized a date yet? Tho he only proposed a couple nights ago. U n Liam sleeping together? Jokes :P

Me: aha :) I kno right, I was the first to kno :) aha, they haven't yet. Of course we're sleeping together, jokes xD got to go n make momma bear happy :) bye love xx

Christina: lucky bro :) ok, hope they do soon.. Aha, tell Alexa that, I know she'll laugh at tht. Have fun :) bye Hun xx

I got up and walked to Alexa's and Harry's room, Alexa was in there, playing 'pick a boo' with Eddie. I smiled at them, I lightly knocked on the door, Alexa looked at me, waving to me, to sit down near her. Once I sat down next to her, I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Alexa half smiled, I sigh slightly.

"Hi uncle Zayn!" Eddie said, giggling.

"Hey there Eddie. How are you?" I asked, picking up Eddie off the bed onto my lap.

"I good. How are you ant Alexa?" Eddie asked, trying to pronounce all of his words correctly. Alexa and I smiled.

"That's good. I'm good." I said.

I had Harry Styles child -prologue-Where stories live. Discover now