I had Harry Styles child - plane flight and arrival

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I had half of this done this morning, so I decided to finish it off, when I should be doing my assignments, which are due tomorrow :/ but I hope you enjoy it, as I wrote it all up, instead of school stuff. - Chanzy xx

Alexa's POV

Millie: hey babe, have a good flight. Ring me when u have landed. Talk soon :) love ya!! Xx

Me: hey hun, I will. Christina says hi, so does Eddie, who's about to fall asleep, aww. Love ya too!! Xx

Millie: <3 xx hi Christina and Eddie :) xx

Sharon: hey darling, have a good flight. Call us when u all have landed :) love u all - Sharon and Jack xx

Me: hey sweet hearts, will do. I will don't worry. Love u both - Alexa, Christina and Eddie :) xx

Drake: hey baby girl, ring Aaron and I when u three have landed. Love u all :) - Drake and Aaron the idiot of idiots :P aha xx

Me: hey big bro, will do. Love ya both too. What did Aaron do this time? Aha - Alexa xx No jokes, what did he do to deserve that 'idiot of idiots'? - Christina xx

Drake: he was just being himself, u know Aaron :P - Drake. I don't know, but I was being myself and then Drake called me an idiot, like I care. - Aaron xx

Me: alright then... - Alexa and Chrissie.

Drake: what? - Drake and Aaron.

Me: never mind, we got to go now. Christina says bye. Call u later. Love u both :) - Alexa xx

Lou bear: have a good flight, see u soon!! Love ya momma bear!! Aha :) xx

Me: will do, see u soon too!! Love ya too boo bear!! Aha :) xx

Well ten minutes before Christina, Eddie and I boarded on the plane, I kept getting text messages from everyone. I really should try and catch up with Millie, Sharon and Jack when I get back in California. All three of us are on the plane to Washington, D.C. now, 'apparently' half way there, according to the pilot, but I don't know, so yeah. Since Eddie fell asleep before we lifted off, Christina and I played a few games, like 'I spy' plane version and truth or dare, and some games on my iPod, and then she fell asleep. For some reason I can't go to sleep, and every time I'm on a plane, I always sleep, either straight away or half an hour later through the flight, and I can't for some reason. It's kind of worrying me.

So, since there was wifi on the plane, I finally decided to go on different social networks and looked at what people were up to. Which was actually nothing really.

@A!ex@Sty!e$ : someone DM me, I'm bored, on a plane.. @onedirection miss n love u all xx

@onedirection: @A!ex@Sty!e$ can't DM u at the moment, but we miss n love u. See u soon :) - Liam xx.

@A!ex@Sty!e$ : @onedirection @Real_Liam_Payen feeling loved, aha :) xx

@justinbieber: hey @A!ex@Sty!e$ long time no talk, aye? :) xx I'll DM ya, I'm bored too.

Justin: hey Alexa!! How r ya hun?

Me: hey Justin!! I'm good, how about u sweet heart?

Justin: aha, that's good, I'm good. Just bored. Waiting in traffic -.-

Me: yeah, that's good. Same, but I'm on a plane. I think besides talking to u, the only other person is amusing me, is the old guy across the aisle from me...

Justin: nice, what's he doing?

Me: snoring really funny, he sounds like a bird whistling and then a snore sound, on repeat, its weird, gross and funny all at the same time.

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