I had Harry Styles child - running into each other

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Ok, so here's the first chapter, might upload more later on today, if I get the time, if not tommorow.

Love you all, please don't be afraid to tell me what you think of it, even if it's negative.

Chanzy :) xx

Chapter 1

Alexa's POV

Two years later

It's a Monday morning, wishing it was Friday, so can sleep in. Didn't get much sleep over the weekend because of my stupid ex-boyfriend found out that Eddie is not his son, but Harry Styles's baby, who is now famous, in a band called, One Direction. Love them, though I know Harry. I miss him, hope to get in contact with him again. We do talk sometimes, over Facebook, twitter, sometimes email, but not phone, which I wish I could hear his voice again to make me smile, who can always put a smile on my face no matter what he says.

Like I was saying, my ex-boyfriend, Travis, knew I was hiding something about my baby boy, who is with one of my friends, Sharon, raising him as her son, which she is doing a good job at. I only wanted a man to be with me during my pregnancy, plus he didn't know I was pregnant until I had a big bump. Once I had Eddie, and broke up with Travis, who was being an A hole to me, I moved to America with Sharon and her husband, who are four years older than me. Now Travis is back in town. Great, not.

So I decided to get out of bed, have a quick warm shower, hopefully to wake me up a little bit, not really working though, got dressed and left my house. Yeah I live on my own, but I always have friends come over, I know a few celebrities, where I live in California, you usually get to meet a celebrity or two.

Singers I've met is Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Reece Mastin. Besides living in California, I have my own dance studio, also a little music recording studio in there as well. I've danced with good choreographers, and had to team up with them, to make a choreography for some singers music video or for a concert.

So I start walking to my studio, it's going to be an hours walk, but I don't care, I feel like walking today. But I did miss breakfast, so I think I might go to a coffee shop on the way. Which is only ten minutes from my place.

I'm around the corner from the coffee shop which I always go to, I suddenly hear screaming, fan girl screams, I wonder who is in town this time? I think to myself. I was about turn the corner when someone ran into me. I fall down onto the concrete with the person on top of me.

The person who ran into me and on top of me, got off and helped me up. As he started to apologies, he stops and stares at me. I stare back at him, oh my god, am I dreaming? The boy who I haven't seen in person for about two, three years now, is right in front of me. I just stare and so does Harry.

"Alexa? Is that you?" Harry says, as he checks me out, and smirks at me.

"uh..y-yeah?" sounding more like I didn't know who I was.

"wow, you look great, you haven't changed much since I last saw you." Harry still smirking at me, still checking out my body. What the..??

"yeah, thanks, you too, Harry, how you been??" after I said that he grabbed my hand and started running towards, where I came from in the first place. As we were running, he directed me in different directions, he obviously knew where he was going, but I didn't, also he didn't give me an answer, but I already knew what the answer was.

Harry's POV

When I first got off the girl who I ran into, holy mother of god, it was Alexa, man she looked beautiful than ever. I couldn't stop checking her out. Wow, I haven't seen her in what? Two years? Maybe three? After she asked how I was, I was brought back to reality, that there were screaming fans behind me, but luckily for me they were way behind, only because they noticed me from long distance, so I got a head start. So I grabbed Alexa's hand, and dragged her with me back to the tour bus, where hopefully all the boys are.

We were at the coffee shop which is near some other little shops, which we wouldn't of mind to look through. But as we were leaving, the fans noticed us and we separated, as we usually do if we are being chased by fans and we know the tour bus isn't that far from we were.

It took Alexa and I about five minutes to get to the tour bus, before we went on the bus, I answered Alexa. "I'm good, just running away from some fans, with you." I winked at Alexa, and she just blushed. I chuckled at her blushing, I haven't seen her blush and smile in a long time, it's good to see her again. "hey I want you to meet the rest of the band, if you don't mind?" Alexa just nodded, still blushing slightly.

I grabbed Alexa's hand, and I walked onto the tour bus with her behind me. I could hear that all of the boys had arrived back safely, because I could hear them all talking and laughing at the experience they just had.

As Alexa and I entered the lounge, Louis was saying something as we entered, "oh my god, that was so awesome..." When Louis stopped speaking and looked at Alexa and I, the rest of the boys looked in the same direction he was.

It was funny because Niall was already stuffing his face, but when he saw that I was with Alexa and holding her hand, his mouth dropped and some food fell out of his mouth. Actually all of the boys' mouths were hanging down. I just blushed slightly, Alexa was back to blushing almost like a tomato.

Zayn was the first one to break the silence, "so I see you already got a girl with ya?" he wriggled his eyebrows at me. I just rolled my eyes at him, but I replied, "first of all, I wish," winking at Alexa, causing her to blush like a beet root, I chuckled at her. "second of all, this is my best friend Alexa, who I haven't seen in about two, three years now. I'm pretty sure I've told you all about her a few times? Let me finish," As Louis looked like he was going to saying something, that would probably make me blush. "thirdly, close your mouths before they catch flies in them, especially you Niall" laughing at him, as his mouth was still hanging down, with some food still falling out. Niall closed his mouth as I said, and started cleaning up the mess he made. "finally, you can now introduce yourselves to Alexa."

Louis finally said what he wanted to say before, "well Harry, you always talked about Alexa, non stop, you couldn't shut up about her. Oh and by the I'm Louis, Harry's best friend, nice finally melting you Alexa." Louis smiling, and putting his hand out to Alexa to shake. She shook his hand, then he pulled her into a welcome hug. I snorted loudly, which made everyone look up at me, I gave them a 'what?' look.

Zayn was the next person to introduce himself, also giving her a hug, then Liam went up to Alexa and said his name and hugged her. Niall was the last, since he had a little mess to clean up. He also hugged her.

She wasn't speaking, I wonder what was going through her mind?

"Hey you okay?"

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