I had Harry Styles child - ladies room

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I only wrote two chapters last night, so next week, hopefully there will be more. Enjoy!! Also the answer is in the next chapter :) xo

Alexa's POV

We are all at an Italian restaurant, having dinner. Of course Niall ordered the biggest, but a bit smaller than usual, at any restaurant or take out. I knew why, I guess he lost his appetite from what I told him earlier on. Aww, poor baby, don't worry momma bear is going to be okay.

"hey Nialler, why did you order less tonight? It's not usual for you. What's wrong?" Zayn asked, looking at him concerned. All of the lads did.

Niall looked at his food, he couldn't eat anymore. He was only half way through it!! Niall looked at me, I was thing this is all my fault. I was about to cry, Niall sighed.

"Alexa, please don't..." Niall said, but didn't get to finish off his sentence.

I was already off to the ladies room to cry. I was already crying, even before I left the table. I locked myself in one of the cubicles. I didn't want to be rude, by locking the entrance, so the other ladies couldn't get in.

Niall's POV

"shit." I said under my breath.

Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn looked at me, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Niall what's going on? Why did Alexa run off?" Harry asked, not angry, but very concerned.

Louis was about to get up and go talk to Alexa. It's not worth it, unless I talk to her first.

"Louis don't. I'll go talk to Alexa in a minute. You or Harry might be able to come in later?" I said. Louis sat back down. "well I lost my appetite, only because what Alexa told me earlier on in the limo. Why she's upset. In a couple days, it's her parents death anniversary. That's why she's been acting odd." I started to explain. "she doesn't knew if she wants to go to their graves this year. It depends how she feels..." I said, getting cut off by Louis.

"why did she run off?" Louis asked, I rolled my eyes at him, a bit annoyed. "sorry Niall." Louis said, I smiled at him.

"as I was saying. Alexa ran off, because she thought it was her fault that I've lost my appetite." I told the lads.

"oh, poor Alexa." Harry said, looking sad. "we'll Niall, you go first. Then text us if Alexa wants any of us to come in." Harry said, I did as he told me.

I was standing outside of the ladies room, knocking on the door. I know it's unlocked, but I don't want to go in, just in case anyone else was in there.

"Alexa? Please let me in?" I've been asking Alexa to let me in for about ten minutes now.

"excuse me, uh, hi Niall. Alexa said you can go in now." a young lady said, letting me in.

"thank you." I said to the young lady. "Alexa?" I asked for the millionth time tonight.

"Niall?" Alexa asked, a bit croaky, she's been crying.

Alexa opened the door to the cubicle, she has been crying. It hurts me and the other lads, to hear or see that Alexa has been crying.

"yeah Alexa, it's me baby girl. Can I come in?" I said, concerned.

Alexa let me in. She hugged me straight away.

"I'm sorry Niall..." Alexa said, during sobs.

"hey, hey, baby, it's okay. It's not your fault, I'm just very concerned about you, okay?" I told Alexa.

I put a finger under her chin, getting her to look into my eyes. Alexa nodded softly, before I hugged her again.

"Niall?" Alexa asked, looking up at me.

"yeah bub?" I asked Alexa, she looked really nervous.

"can I tell you something? But you can't tell anyone, especially Harry." Alexa said, getting me nervous and very concerned.

"yeah, of course. What's up?" I said, looking into Alexa's eyes.

Alexa has the most beautiful eyes. Think I fancy Alexa? Yeah a little bit, I have to admit it. Louis, has admitted to Zayn and I, that he does fancy Alexa, but he controls it. But Louis knows Harry and Alexa are perfect for each other, we all know that.

"I...I...don't worry about it." Alexa stuttered.

I wasn't giving up on her. She said not to tell anyone else, especially Harry. I'm going to find out what she wanted to tell me. I know Alexa trusts me, but I don't know why she won't tell?

"Ahh!! It's One Direction!!" Alexa and I hear, as some girls come in, screaming.

"I know!! But I wonder where Niall went?? Oh well." one of the girls said. I think there's about three girls in here, who are big fans of the lads and I.

"yeah. Hey don't you think Harry's girlfriend is some kind of a slut? I've heard she's fucked all of the guys in the band." another girl said.

That made me furious. Alexa started crying heavier now. Alexa also tried to get out of the cubicle.

"she looks like a slut. She doesn't deserve Harry." the third girl said.

I wanted to talk to those girls, for talking about Alexa like that. But Alexa and I both knew, we shouldn't let them know we were in here, especially me. Also they might think that we might've done stuff, talking about that subject. When the girls left, Alexa tried to get out of the cubicle again. I wouldn't let her get out. Alexa tried pulling and pushing me away from the door, I wouldn't budge.

"Niall!! Please!!" Alexa half screamed, but not too loudly, as she is still crying.

"no Alexa!! Not until you believe me, here and right now. YOU ARE NOT A SLUT. You know you're not. Don't listen to them, they're just jealous. They don't know you, like the lads and I do." I told Alexa, looking into her eyes.

Alexa looked away from me. I made her look at me, raising an eyebrow at her. Alexa nodded, I wiped the years away from her eyes and face. Then I finally let Alexa out, only once I was convinced that she believed me.

I had Harry Styles child -prologue-Where stories live. Discover now