I had Harry Styles child - meeting the boys in One Direction

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Ok, here's chapter two!! Enjoy!!

Chanzy xx

Chapter 2

Alexa's POV

Every single boy in the band introduced themselves to me and gave me a hug each. I'm shocked, especially when I heard that Harry wouldn't shut up about me while we were apart from each other. I laughed at him mentally.

Harry was staring at me since I haven't really said anything since we entered the room. I was thinking if I should tell Harry about Eddie, sooner or later? But I said no to myself, just not right now. So I thought about my dance studio.

"Hey you okay?" Harry asked, as I was still standing still, being shocked and excited at the same time.

"Hmm? Yeah, just thinking how I'm seeing you, and also meeting the rest of the band. Hey can I ask you something?" getting a bit nervous that Harry might have other plans then come to my dance studio, to show him my dream, that has been granted. I always wanted to own my own dance studio, and choreograph with celebrities.

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" Harry looking really happy to see me again, after two years, nearly three. But a bit nervous of what my question might be for him.

I was a bit nervous myself. "if you and the boys aren't doing anything today, I would like to take you boys to a place, which I own..? Oh wait, how long are you boys in town anyways?"

Harry answered the first question for me, "yeah we aren't busy, I wouldn't mind going with you, I don't think the boys would either, hey boys?" Harry and I looking at them, they nodded at Harry's question.

"Yeah we wouldn't mind, oh and we are here for about month, we got to do a new music video, and some concerts, also other stuff. But we are also going to the beach house that we own." Liam answering my second question.

I looked over to where Niall was, he was stuffing his face again, not exactly a surprise to me. I just chuckle at him, as I've read in magazines that he loves to eat, all the time. But never experienced it in person, until now.

As I laugh at him, he looks up at me, and he looks like he wants to ask me something, he finished the sandwich that he was eating and said, "so Alexa, where are we going exactly? Are we going to Nandos? I hope we are?" he said, as he was jumping up and down in his seat a little. I just laughed at him again and replied, "maybe later tonight Niall. We are going somewhere special to me, my dream place, and you will learn a bit, maybe a lot about me, when we get there. Shall we go there now?" I asked the boys, as Niall pouted a little, but smiled when we might be going later on tonight.

All the boys looked around at each other and nodded at each other before Louis saying, "sure, let's go, don't you think you should tell the driver where to go first though?" Louis asking me that, raising an eyebrow at me. "I should, shouldn't I? Be right back," I questioning the boys, they nodded and I left them for a minute, then returned them.

Louis' POV

When Alexa left in silence, to tell the driver where to go. I was thinking to myself, where we might be going, what we might learn about her? I guess we will find out. I looked over to Harry, who started walking towards me and sat next to me, he looked like he didn't know where we were going either.

As Alexa walked back into the lounge, she said, "okay, I told the driver where we have to go, so we will be there in a few minutes, it's not that far from here, off we go, to my special place" Alexa joking a little bit in the end, though it sounded like it was special to her. She came and sat next to Harry, and hugged him, she looks like she's really missed him, I know Harry has.

When they parted, we all heard this big burp, which came from Niall, we made us look at him and laugh at him.

Alexa's POV

When Niall burped, we all laughed. But that didn't make me stop from being a mother to him, to make him a gentleman. "why excuse you Niall, that was a big burp. What do you say after you burp?" joking around, Niall looking at me confused, but said his manners.

I walked over to him and said, "good boy" still joking around patting him on the head like a dog, I chuckle, everyone laughs. I sit next to him and I look over to Harry, who is smiling at me. He knows me so well, he knows I always joke around when it comes to manners, and acting like a mother. Which reminded me, I am a mother, and Harry is the father and he still doesn't know, he doesn't even know that I was ever pregnant.

Harry interrupts my thoughts as he says to the guys, "Alexa is a joker and always act like a mother, so you boys might want to get use to that" Harry said to the boys, winking at me.

I sit next to Niall for the rest of the drive to my studio, which was only a few minutes. But we got to talk about where we were from and other stuff about each other. He seems to be such a sweet boy. He said that I'm a sweet girl, and perfect for Harry, well for any boy, including himself, he blushed when he said that to me, I also blushed as well.

As the boys and I got off the tour bus, the boys gasp in awe at what they saw in front of them. My dance studio was big, three floors, first floor was offices, couple music studios, and a random room, where you can do whatever, dance, talk, art, music, homework. Second floor was where the main dance studios were, all sorts of kind of dances, ballroom, hip hop, street dance, anything it was taught at my studio. Third floor was the music studio, where you can record your own music, write music and get lessons on music. I had Justin Bieber record a song for the girls that take music and dance lessons here. It was a wonderful time. I hope I can get the boys to record a song for the girls here, who love One Direction.

As we all walked up the steps, I see that Sharon's car is at the front, she was friends with Harry too, so I guess we both can reunite with each other here. Zayn brought me back to reality when he asking me, "What is this place? Do you really own it Alexa? Wouldn't it cost a lot?" He was on fire asking me these questions, "This is my dance and music studio, my dream come true, yes Zayn I really own it. No, not really, didn't cost much since I got a good offer..." replying Zayn's questions. I trailed off because if the boys asked me where the money came from, I'd probably start crying. The money came from when my parents died not long before Eddie was born, so they didn't get to see their grandson. Their wonderful, beautiful grandson. God I miss my son, it's only been a couple days since I last saw him.

I shaked my head mentally, and started walking to the door, it was lock, so I got the keys out from my bag and unlocked the door. I walked in first holding the door for them, they said thank you, they seem really nice. Smiling to myself, I look out of the corner of my eye and see that Harry is watching me, I blush slightly.

I started walking up the stairs, "Come on boys, we can look down here later. I want to show you from the top to bottom." waving on the boys to follow me up the stairs, luckily there is not too many steps for each floor.

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