I had Harry Styles child - sad and twitter

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Harry's POV

After about ten minutes of Louis and I looking for Alexa, around the whole house. Louis and I gave up, we couldn't find her anywhere, but we did find a little gym and dance room. Louis and I turned some music on and danced, while we were looking for Alexa, in her dance room. We looked stupid, also we fell over a coupe, times and fell an top each other once. We laughed for about a couple minutes, before we got back to reality, finding Alexa.

"has Alexa ever left without anyone knowing when, where and who she was going to?" Louis asked, as we went up the stairs to wake up the rest of the sleepy heads.

"no, she usually lets someone know when she's leaving. But the rest, it depends how she feels. But I don't get it, Alexa was perfectly happy. She doesn't usually leave, unless she's depressed..." I was confused, Alexa was really happy last night/morning. I've barley seen Alexa depressed before I left her.

The last time she was depressed, was because of her dad's boss, who had begun to verbally, and occasionally, physically abusing her, I front of me and her parents. What Alexa's dad's boss said and did to her, wasn't nice, that Alexa's dad quit his job. Her dad doesn't/didn't like his baby girl get hurt, mentally, physically, verbally, anything. Neither did Alexa's mum, nor did I. Alexa started taking her dad's ex-boss words to heart, that she didn't go to school, didn't talk to anyone, and started to think about self-harm and suicide. I went to see her everyday, before and after school, I usually stayed the night, if I was allowed to. Alexa only talked to me' no one else, she did talk to her parents once or twice, but mainly me.

It took Alexa about three weeks before being her happy self again. I tried to make her smile every single day, she did most of the time when I was with her. I was a bit sad that I didn't get to see my girlfriend at school at the time, though I saw her before and after school. It didn't feel right when she wasn't there with me.

"Harry...Harry you okay mate?" Louis asked, looking concerned, bringing me back to reality.

"I don't know, just confused.." I told Louis, I didn't really want to tell him about Alexa's depressing past.

"don't worry, we'll find her, or she'll come back." Louis Sadi, trying to smile. I couldn't smile at the moment, I just couldn't. "rise and shine!!" Louis screamed, waking all of the boys up. They all groaned in response.

"hey Haz, what's wrong? You look down." Liam asked, I shrugged, then walked out of the room.

Louis' POV

"wow! What's wrong with Harry?" Niall asked. Harry was really that Alexa isn't here and we don't know where.

"it's Alexa...Harry woke up and Alexa was gone." I told the boys, as we all got out of Alexa's room, down to the lounge room. Then I explained that Harry and I already searched the house.

"that's not normal for Alexa to just disappear. She usually tells someone first or writes a note." Aaron said, he looked as concerned as Harry, we all were very concerned and worried. But Harry and Aaron were really worried, concerned and confused.

"well I think we should get some breakfast, then we can think of ideas where Alexa might be, who with and why." Niall said, we all nodded, and headed to the kitchen.

"hey Harry and Lou, are you sure you checked everywhere for Alexa, even a note?" Liam asked, as we saw there is a note on the kitchen bench.

Harry and I looked at each other, then looked embarrassed. I guess we didn't see it there, we were looking so fast in the kitchen, we didn't even see the note.

We all read the note, we sighed in relief, that Alexa isn't depressed, and should be safe with drake. But what really confused us all, was why Alexa was with drake? Were they catching up on about the other night? What did Alexa mean by 'no show today'? Well Aaron knew what she meant, but he wouldn't tell us, so we didn't bother asking, after we asked the first time.

My phone vibrated, 1 new message and tweet update. I quickly logged onto twitter, it was from Harry.

@Harry_Styles: I miss my babe, don't know where she is, but hoping she is safe with her bro. Love you Alexa xox. I also love our fans, u guys are the best!! :) xox

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles: Harry, she'll be fine, don't worry. Oh and what, u don't love me?! Fine then!! ;) jokes, love u Haz :) xox P.S. it's true, u guys are the best fans ever!! :) xox

I replied Harry's tweet, I clicked out of twitter for now. Then I looked at who text me.

Alexa ;) : hey boo bear, please make Harry happy. I know he's upset, when he is I am. When I am he is. Tell the boys I'll be home before lunch. I got to take care of something. Ask Arron what 'no show today' means, before u say anything 2 anyone.

Love Alexa xox

P.S. will be on twitter ;)

Boo bear: hey momma bear, I'll try to. What's wrong? I asked Aaron, he told me, I understand now.. :) I told the boys, they all said 'aww' and pouted. Haha, silly boys ;) r u talking 2 Harry e.g. Txt or twitter?

Love u too, boo bear xox

Alexa ;) : tell u later. Kool, u didn't b4 I know. Haha, ruffle their hair for me :) yeh, check twitter, Harry's account. xox

Boo bear: ohkay.. :( yeh.. Will do! Naw poor Niall, he dropped his banana ;) KK! xox

I logged back onto twitter.

@A!ex@Sty!e$ : @Harry_Styles: I miss u too handsome!! When I saw 'babe', I thought u mean the pig ;) haha, I'm weird! xox be home b4 lunch time! P.S. I have a feeling @NiallOfficial is in the fridge..? Get him out now ;) xox

@Harry_Styles: @A!ex@Sty!e$ : haha, u r weird ;) hey we should watch it when u get home? Yeh he is. @NiallOfficial: Niall!! Get out of momma bear's fridge!! :) xox

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles: can we, can we?!? *acting like a child* :) @Niallofficial: Niall, what r u eating? Oh btw @A!ex@Sty!e$ : he is in the fridge!! :) xox

@A!ex@Sty!e$ : @Louis_Tomlinson: yes we can boo bear ;) @NiallOfficial: Niall James Horan, get out of my fridge now!! Or I won't buy u anything from Nandos... :/ @Harry_Styles: my birthday is on Friday. Yay!! I'll finally be 19!! :D I gtg handsome love u ;) love u all!! :) xox

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