I had Harry Styles child - damn pranks

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I love the last sentence at the end. ;) it's a bit sexy

Enjoy ;)

Alexa's POV

"but first thing is first. I'll be right back in a minute." I said to Millie, Harry and Niall. Getting out of bed and walking to Zayn's and Niall's bed.

I easily found their bed, since you could just see part of Zayn's hand and feet. It was quite cool, so what I was about to do will make Zayn shiver. I grabbed the edge of the sheet that was covering up Zayn's body. I yanked it off him, Zayn screamed, haha. Yay!! I was right!! He was only wearing boxers!! ;)

Zayn was shivering, almost like I was before Harry woke me up, with a kiss. I blushed, remembering the kiss, in front of Millie and Niall.

"what was that for?!" Zayn whispered yelled at me. I smirked at him, I could hear Millie, Harry and Niall laughing from the bed I came out of.

"that was for making annoying noises, while Niall was trying to sleep." I told Zayn, putting my hands on my hips.

"Ahh, sorry." Zayn apologized.

"don't apologize to me, apologize to Niall." I said, putting my hang in the direction of where Niall was. Zayn walked back with me to my, Millie's, Harry's and Niall's bed.

"hey Niall.." Zayn started off, "I'm sorry for making annoying noises, while yuk were trying to sleep." Zayn apologized to Niall, helping him up so the could hug.

Zayn and Niall hugged, and Zayn kissed Niall on the cheek. "Naww." Millie and I sang, we just experienced a Ziall Horlik moment. Niall and Zayn blushed slightly.

"I think we all should go back to sleep. It's still past four in the morning." Harry said, we nodded.

"Niall, do you want to come back to bed with me?" Zayn asked Niall, grabbing his hand.

"ok, night/morning everyone, love you all." Niall said, before hugging Millie, Harry and then me, kissing me on the cheek. Zayn did Rhine same. Niall winked at me then looked at Harry, then back at me, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I blushed, Niall chuckled lightly. Then he and Zayn went back to their bed.

"do you want to walk around for a bit, because I knew we won't be able to go back to sleep. Well I don't know about you Harry. But I know Alexa and I won't be able too." Millie said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I probably won't be able too." Harry said, getting up and stood in front of me. "morning beautiful." Harry said to me, softly kissing me, I quickly kissed him back.

"why because you're horny?" I whispered to Harry, getting on my tipy toes.

"maybe." Harry whispered back in a sexy voice.

Harry wrapped his arms around my back and pushed me up against him. Well, I was right about Harry being horny, but I didn't expect him to start kissing down my neck.

"hello, you two sexy love birds can have fun later." Millie said, making us turn around to face her. Millie started to wiggle her eyebrows at us, Harry and I blushed.

"ok let's go." I said, grabbing Harry's hand. I quickly wrote a text to Liam and Niall, saying that we are still in the mall. Just in case they wake up, when we haven't returned to them.

Millie, Harry and I are in 'Supré', Millie and I are trying on some dresses. Harry's being the judge, it feels like Millie and I are the fashion models and Harry is the audience/judge.

I was now trying on this really nice purple cocktail dress. It had purple frills at the bottom of the skirt. Guess what!?! The zip is at the back. Luckily Harry was able to help me.

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