I had Harry Styles child - surprises

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Alexa's POV

It was dinner time, we were having pizza tonight, home made though. We are sitting at the dinner table, talking about what we would've done if we didn't get into One Direction, for the boys, and a choreographer, for me.

"so why didn't you go to university, Alexa?" Louis asked.

"well besides I had Edward, to who he was going to live with, they said they didn't like me, nor my dancing or singing." I told the boys, taking a sip of coke.

"they said what!?!" all of the boys yelled, well except for Niall, he couldn't exactly yell, since his mouth was full, but he still tried to say it. I had to laugh at him, and got a picture and also posted it on twitter.

"besides my dream was to own a dance and music studio. Plus universities have offered me, since seeing my work with singers. But I denied, because I already had my dream granted, my studio and Edward. I always want to be by his side, and see him grow up." I smiled, trying to tell them that I was fine with out the university that I really wanted to get in, it's their loss that they didn't accept me, besides, it did cost a bit to pay.

"okay, we'll at least your fine with what you got. What you got is good for you." Louis said, breaking the silence.

"yeah I am, and I know, hey can I ask you guys something?" I asked the boys. I really want to take them to this awesome place in the forest.

"yeah sure, go ahead." Zayn said, with a smile.

"well I was wondering if we could leave the beach house tomorrow, because I want to take you guys somewhere. If that's okay with you all? " trying not to spill where we are going, if they wanted to go.

They all looked at each other, and nodded.

"yeah sure, where are we going?" Niall asked, with out his mouth full, haha.

"that's a surprise, plus I think you all will like it, but I love it, so you guys might as well." I had a big smile on my face. I love musical forest. It has a club in the middle of the forest, you can hear the music as you enter the forest. Plus it is a beautiful forest, and the club is powered by solar power.

"aww, but momma bear." Niall and Louis said pouting at me. I just shook my head at them and laughed, they look cute when they pout and say 'momma bear'. Thy look like four year olds.

Harry's POV

"morning love, how are you this morning?" I asked Alexa, as she got ready to leave today. She was even packing for me.

"morning babe, I'm good." Alexa said while packing my underwear away. I couldn't help but laugh, I knew she liked to pack early before she went somewhere.

"hey, hey, don't worry about packing for now. Let's go and get some breakfast." I smiled at Alexa, she blushed. She's so cute when she blushes. I put my hands on her waist and kissed her cheeks then I kissed her lips, Alexa kissed back.

"alright, let's go." Alexa said, I grabbed her hand and we walked out of our room, into the kitchen.

Only Liam, Niall and Louis were in the kitchen, where's Zayn?

"morning love birds." Louis said, winking at us. I rolled my eyes at him, Alexa blushed.

"ahaha," I said sarcastically, "morning, hey where's Zayn?" I asked the boys.

"he's still asleep." Niall told us.

"well momma bear wants him up. Momma bear is going to make breakfast. Also I don't want Zayn's to go cold." Alexa said, walking to the stairs.

Alexa's POV

I walked up the stairs, then into Zayn's room, he was under the covers. You could barley see any of him, just his arm, that was hanging down the side of the bed.

"Zayn sweety, wake up." I asked him sweetly, shaking him softly.

"no, leave me alone." Zayn groaned out. If I have to ask more than two times, things were going to get ugly.

"Zayn, don't tell your mother to leave. Now get up, before I do anything to you." I told him a bit more angrier.

"noo..go away mum." Zayn groaned more. I'm surprised he could hear me, as well as I could hear him.

"that's it." I took all of the cover off Zayn's body, he was only wearing boxers. Zayn shivered for a minute, but got use to it after a bit. Zayn didn't move. I went and looked for Zayn's comb, his favorite comb.

"on look, what do we have here? Is this your favorite comb? I think it is." Zayn looked in my direction, his eyes only open a little bit. "if you don't get up now, your comb will go in the bin, actually all of your combs." I smirked at Zayn.

"you wouldn't." Zayn said, standing right in front of me, glaring at me.

"oh yes I would. Now move your butt down stairs, now!!" I said mother angrily, smacking his butt as he left his room.

"morning grumpy boots." Harry said, winking at Zayn. Zayn did a sarcastic laugh. "how did she get you out, by the underwear or favorite object?" Harry asked Zayn. I laughed at the memory when I grabbed Harry by his underwear to wake him up. Only because we were going to be late for school, by an hour or so, we slept in and I didn't want to be more late than we already were.

"favorite object." Zayn said a bit angrily. I smirked at them, before I got all of the ingredients I needed to make my special pancakes.

"I threatened Zayn, by telling him if he doesn't get up, I will chuck out his combs." all of the boys laughed, but also shook their heads.

"so what's for breakfast?" Niall asked.

"my special pancakes, Harry can you please start mixing the ingredients in the bowl," I asked Harry, he did as he was told. "now momma bear hasn't gotten any hugs from her cubs. Does she get any?" I asked the boys, acting sad.

They all came over to me and gave me a group hug, then a hug each. Well except Niall, he got about four hugs from me. Haha.

"babe, it's your turn, everything is mixed." Harry told me, as I walked over to him. Harry smacked my ares, I glared at him and the boys laughed.

Harry knows when I make my special pancakes, I always have to cook them, because I cook them just right. Only Harry can mix the ingredients, because he knows how to mix it and how much to put in.

Once we all had our breakfast, which the boys enjoyed my special pancakes. We started to pack, to leave.

"hey babe, I'm going to have a quick shower, while you and the boys put the stuff in the car. Okay? Also can you tell them I'm in the shower?" Harry told me, I nodded, then he kissed me on the cheek, before he went into the bathroom.

I grabbed all of our stuff and took it outside. Niall came running up to me, to help me. Niall took Harry's and my suitcase, while I took my bag.

"thanks Niall." I smiled at him, Niall returned the smile as we got to the car.

"anytime momma bear." Niall said, kissing me on the forehead.

"where's Haz bear?" Louis asked.

"in the shower, he'll be out in a minute." I told Louis, he nodded.

"so where are you taking us?" Zayn asked. I rolled my eyes at him.

"not going to tell, it's a surprise." I told Zayn, with a cheeky smile.

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