I had Harry Styles child - wat da fudge?

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This was a bit hard to write, kind if cried.

Comment if u think Harry should or not in the next month. Hint: *wedding bells* lol

Enjoy :) x

Alexa's POV

3 months later..

4 months pregnant..

"would you like to know what gender your baby is?" Doctor Trenner asked me.

"not yet. I want to wait until Harry's here next time I have my next appointment." I answered my doctor.

I'm in the hospital, having my monthly ultrasound check up. Harry and the others are in Ireland at the moment, spending time with Niall and his family and doing a few concerts. They will be back tonight, I'm going to the airport to pick them up, they're spending a month with me. California has like become the guys second home, so when they get time off tours and other stuff, they come to California and stay with me for a while. Of course they still go home and spend time with their families, but sometimes or most times they come and stay with me.

I don't mind it. It's also wonderful when they can, so they can be uncles to Edward, and Harry be his father. We've been really happy together over the past few months, not that we haven't been, but yeah. Also Aaron can still see Harry and get advice from him and catch up with him too. They've been hanging out a lot when Harry's around and when Aaron is home. He's still at my place, he tried getting his own place, but it was a rip off.

"alright then. Well you can get your stuff and make an appointment now if you'd like. Tell the guys I said hi and I'll see you in about three weeks to a months time. Have a good day Alexa." Doctor Trenner said.

"yeah, thanks. Probably make an appointment when I find out when Harry leaves. I will, you will. See ya Doctor Trenner, you have a good day too, bye." I said, getting my stuff and cleaning the goo off my belly, and left.

I got my coat and out it on, just in case there were paparazzi outside or fans too. Directioners are supportive about Harry and I, but there are still jealous ones. Also the haters, which I seem to see a lot of, which makes me sad, but haven't told Harry about that, well anyone, not even Arron, who I live with. What do you know, there are fans out here even haters. They mobbed me and attacked me, I started screaming, as they pulled on my hair and punched me, the face, arms and legs. I even saw some cameras, paps? Oh god, please don't let the guys see this, luckily they didn't lunch me in the stomach, I don't want to lose the baby, especially over the jealous fans and haters.

Once I got out of the mob, I started running, crying, I could barely see, with all the tears coming out of my eyes. I heard the mob running after me, I know I'm almost near my car. Yes, I'm here. I unlocked my car straight away and got in and drove off, they didn't go near my car, or I would've ran over them, they bashed me, they deserve to get ran over, stupid bitches. Excuse my language, but I'm upset and angry.

I'm half an hour from my place, but the closest place I can go to see someone, is the mall. So I can go see Millie, and tell her what just happened. I know I can't go home, Arron won't be there, but I'm really hoping he'll be at the mall, he has the day off, but he's out. I'll be at the mall in ten minutes, so I decided tweet, while I'm waiting in traffic, which will be another few minutes.

@A!ex@Sty!e$ : *sigh* how da fuq did they kno where I was. Bloody fuking stalkers :/ @aaron_buddah need u :/ <3 x

@Harry_Styles: @A!ex@Sty!e$ babe what's wrong? Who u talking bout?

@A!ex@Sty!e$ : @Harry_Styles paps and fans and haters. Stuff tell u tonite. I miss u babe :( <3 xox

@Harry_Styles: @A!ex@Sty!e$ oh ok. Miss u too babe :( <3 we r on our way c u in a few hours :) Love u gorgeous <3 xox

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