I had Harry Styles child - confirmed and dinner

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Finally!! Last night I finished this off, finally. Another one is on its way, hopefully today or tomorrow. Love ya all also it's NIALL JAMES HORAN's birthday today!! :D <3 xox

Enjoy :)

Harry's POV

Drake, Alexa and I paid our respects to their parents this morning. We had breakfast then left to go to the cemetery. Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn even came. Christina came and paid her respects, she was hugging Alexa the whole time, Drake and I had and arm around each other, my arm on his shoulder, his arm around my waist. The lads said to Alexa's and Drake's parents graves that they shall rest in piece. I think Alexa's and Drake's parents would appreciate that, though they don't know them, it's nice and respectful.

Alexa's doctor came and paid his yearly respects. Then we left with him, he drove on front of us, to the hospital. Alexa and I are now on the hospital, in the room, where Alexa is getting an ultrasound. Her doctor, Dr.Smith, just came in the room, smiling at us, I'm holding Alexa's hand.

"afternoon. Sorry, I had to take a phone call, my daughter had a problem. So yeah. How are you Alexa? Also you too Harry?" Dr.Smith asked.

"afternoon. I'm alright, you?" Alexa said.

"afternoon, I'm okay, you?" I said.

"that's good. I'm good, but very sorry about your parents Alexa. They were wonderful parents, and would loved to see Edward, and the new one along the way. Now let's see how long you're in." Dr.Smith said.

"so how long are you in?" Louis asked Alexa and I, as we walked into the lobby.

The lads and Drake waited for Alexa and I, in the lobby. I wrapped an arm around Alexa's waist, we both smiled. It's very exciting for us, it's defiantly confirmed that Alexa is pregnant and a month and a half in. We couldn't see anything just yet, but there is a baby in Alexa's womb. Our baby. I kissed Alexa on the cheek.

"a month and a half in." Alexa said.

"awww. So when do you go next?" Liam asked.

"well my doctor has a friend in California, who I know, who will ring me to tell me my next appointment." Alexa said.

"awesome. You two look excited." Zayn said.

"we are. Shall we go see uncle Simon? He said he's at my place." I asked, the lads, Drake and Alexa nodded.

"Hey Harry, have you told your mum about Edward?? And the baby on the way??" Alexa asked.

"yeah I have Alexa, she said that you've told her about Edward, she was there for you." I answered Alexa, holding her hand, walking out of the hospital, with the lads in front of us.

"ok. I thought you should tell her, besides hearing it from me. I'm sorry I didn't let your mum tell you about Edward." Alexa said, looking at the ground ashamed.

"it's ok babe." I said, kissing Alexa on the lips.

"noo!! I want to sit there!!" Niall screamed, fighting with Louis and Zayn.

Alexa and I laughed and separated the lads. Alexa sorted out where Louis, Niall and Zayn should sit. Niall wanted to sit in the middle, so he got to sit in the middle. He was happy about that. Louis and Zayn pouted at Alexa and I, we shrugged and I got into the drivers seat and drove off, with Liam and Drake in the other car, behind us. It's going to be about half an hour drive, if there's not too much traffic.

35 minutes later..

"Harry!!" Gemma squealed, as she opened the door for the lads, Alexa, Drake and I.

"hey Gemma." I said, chuckling, hugging my sister.

"Alexa!!" Gemma said excitedly, hugging Alexa.

"hey baby." Alexa said, hugging Gemma back.

"before I hug the lads and your bro. Talking about baby..." Gemma said, raising an eyebrow at Alexa and smirking at me.

"month and half in. Also Edward is good." Alexa said.

"aww. Is Harry a good father?" Gemma asked Alexa, looking at me the whole time she said that.

"he's a wonderful father. Drake, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn are wonderful uncles." Alexa said.

"thanks babe. Yes, Gemma, I'm a wonderful father." I said, smiling at Gemma, holding Alexa's hand.

"that's good. Well boys, come to Gemma." Gemma said, as she let all of us inside, hugging Louis first.

"we're going into the lounge room and talk to uncle Simon." I said, walking off with Alexa.

"Ahh Harry and Alexa. How are my to love birds/parents?" Simon asked.

"hey uncle Simon. We're good." I said sitting down across from him, and Alexa sat down beside me.

"so first question. How long are you in Alexa? I just want to get straight into it and then we can catch up." Simon said.

"I'm a month and a half in. It's ok. Might as well get it over and done with." Alexa said.

"what's for dinner?" I asked Alexa, Gemma, Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Drake.

"food!!" Niall said.

We all laughed at Niall, he smirked, Zayn ruffled with Niall's hair. Alexa got up and pulled me with her, we walked into the kitchen. She started looking through the fridge and pulled out some meat, chicken, ham, steaks. Then she pulled out some vegetables, carrots, peas, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower.

"mm yum. Looks like we're going to have a wonderful dinner." I said, kissing Alexa on the cheek, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"yep. Shall we get started?" Alexa asked, I nodded.

"do you want to go tell the others dinner will be ready in about an hour? Please babe?" I asked Alexa, turning the stove on.

"sure, be back in a minute." Alexa said, putting down the chopping board that she got out and walked back into the lounge room.

"awww!!! I'm hungry!!!" Niall screamed, coming into the kitchen.

"Niall, it takes time to cook food you know. If you can get Gemma to help Alexa and I, it'll be less than an hour." I told Niall, he pouted at me, as he got a piece of pizza out of the fridge.

"don't worry about it Nialler, already got Gemma." Alexa said, holding my sister's hand, walking into the kitchen.

45 minutes later..

"dinner is ready!!" I yelled down to the lounge room, put of the kitchen.

"yay!!" Louis said in excitement.

Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Drake ran out of the lounge room, into the dinning room, then they sat down silently at the table. Alexa, Gemma and I smirked at them, they are so silly. Alexa and Gemma got the salads and put them in the middle of the table, I got the meats, cold chicken and ham, and nicely cooked steaks, then Alexa went back to get the cooked vegetables. It looks delicious, I think Niall thinks that it is too. I saw Niall lick his lips, as I put the meats down near the salads.

"alright everyone, let's eat." Alexa said, as I sat down next to her.

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