I had Harry Styles child - call Simon

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Hey there beautiful Directioners :) sorry it's been nearly two weeks sinc slats updated, seriously, I hate year 11... Anyways, enjo, vote comment. Also I thought I should leave the last bit of the chapter sweet and nice. That didn't make sense, but once you get to it, you'll understand. I also promised @JaidaRians that I'll update today, so enjoy. :) x

Harry's POV

After about an hour of real sleep, with my girl, Louis woke me up, which I didn't really want to, because I was enjoying sleeping with Alexa. After Louis and Alexa got me out of bed, we made breakfast, though Alexa wasn't really around the kitchen for a bit. Danielle and Alexa ended up talking for about half an hour in the bathroom, about what she wants to wear on our wedding day.

After the guys and I finish, or half way through our Take Me Home tour, Alexa and I said we're going to have our wedding then. But we still got to talk to the management about it and plan it.

"So who enjoyed breakfast?" Louis asked everyone, as the girls did the dishes.

"We did." Danielle said, talking about her and Alexa.

"It's in my tummy, so it must've been." Niall said cheekily.

"Was delicious." Zayn and I said.

"Good. I enjoyed it too." Louis said, smiling.

"Well Alexa and I are going for a walk later. Don't disturb us.." I said, being serious on the last sentence.

*later on the beach*

"How are you beautiful?" I asked Alexa, as we hold hands, walking along the shore.

"I'm good..better than yesterday. How about you handsome?" Alexa asked, stopping us, smiling at me.

"I'm glad that you're getting better babe. I'm good." I said, kissing her softly, she kissed back, putting her hand to the lower side of my face, and brushed her thumb over my cheek.

"Oh please, get a room..." Some guy said, he sounded familiar too.

Alexa and I broke apart. It was Drake who said that, he smirked at us, I laughed slightly.

"You know how to ruin a romantic moment, don't ya Drake?" Alexa asked, a bit jokingly.

"Sorry baby girl. Just saw you two, and wanted to know if I could go over to your beach house, and catch up with the guys. Then you two, when you get back from your walk." Drake said, hugging Alexa and then me.

"Nah, it's ok, you can go over, by the way, Danielle is there. We'll see you then." I said, then we walked our different ways.

After a minute, I stopped Alexa and I, cheekily smiling, she was blushing. God, Alexa is cute when she blushes. I bit my lip, I need her lips on mine again. I leaned in and kissed Alexa again, a bit more rough this time, but still passionate. *groans* I bit her bottom lip, asking for access, Alexa let me roam her beautiful mouth. Alexa wrapped her arms around my neck, I walked us backwards, to the tree that was near by... And leaned on it, she put her hands in my hair, then running her hands down my cheeks, then chest, pulling apart, both of us breathing heavily. I looked into Alexa's beautiful ocean blue eyes. (A/N: don't know if I ever described Alexa's features, so if I got the eye color wrong, I'm sorry...). I held onto her hands, pulling them up to my mouth and kissed them, once we caught our breath, I hugged her, I've missed Alexa so much and have been worried so much about her, because of the hate she gets and because she's pregnant, that I'm not there to help her out.

"You've been worried about me, haven't you Harry?" Alexa asks, like she read my mind, just needed me to confirm it.

"Of course I have Alexa. Your pregnant with our second baby, and I'm always away from you, since we both have our own jobs. Also you've been getting too much hate. Why wouldn't I be worried about my fiancé?" I asked, kissing her nose.

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