I had Harry Styles child - Aunty Christina and texting

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I know I said I was going to update the other day, I got distracted.. Enjoy!!

Christina's POV

"Hi Eddie!!" I squealed, as I walked up to Alexa and Eddie at the airport.

I just arrived in California, gonna be here for a couple days, and then all three of us, Alexa, Eddie and I go to Washington, D.C. Besides I will be with Alexa and Harry at their first meeting with the wedding planner, and I'll be making sure the wedding planner is a keeper and a person who Alexa and Harry can trust. I need to get away from home, in Holmes Chapel. Work is slowing down and same for uni, as its nearly summer, except there are the usual exams, which I did before I left England.

Alexa giggled, so did Eddie, he ran up to me. I picked him up, kissing his cheeks and hugged him. He kissed my cheek, aww, and of course he would hug his aunty back, not by blood. I walked up to Alexa and kissed her cheek.

"Hi Aunty Chrissie." Eddie said, I smiled.

"Hey Christina. How are ya?" Alexa asked, smiling at Eddie and I.

"Hey Alexa. I'm good, especially now, that I'm off that plane. Stupid old man who was next to me on the plane. He wouldn't be quiet, he kept talking to me about his past in America. I thought to myself, like dude I'm only going to be there for two weeks basically, and I don't want a bad start to it." I told Alexa, she just laughed, shaking her head at me.

"Is that him there?" She asked, looking in the direction, where the old man was, I nodded. Alexa shook her head, still amused, I shrugged. "Let's go get aunty Christina's suitcases." She said, as we walked off to get my suitcases.

"So I heard your having a baby girl?" I asked Alexa, as we walked into her house.

"I am. Should've seen Harry's reaction and Lou's too. They basically did the same thing." She told me, I gave her a hand gesture, for her to go on. "They said, and I quote, 'hi Darcy!! How are you?'. Harry did while we were at the hospital, and calmer and softer, fatherly like, happy like. If that makes sense. Louis did the same, but loudly and excitedly." She explained to me.

"Yeah it makes sense. And aww, cute to both. You and Haz agreed to name her Darcy?" I asked, Alexa nodded.

"She always moves around when someone says her name. Wanna feel?" She asked, I nodded.

Alexa directed my hand to where Darcy was moving around. It felt so weird, but it's cute. Eddie walked up to his mummy and Alexa helped him find his little sister. I smiled at them in awe, so cute.

"So how's work been since your pregnant?" I asked, once I picked up Eddie and we walked him up to his room, so he can have his mid day nap.

"It's good. Although I can't dance, I still sing. I help the girls and guys out on their singing. I even help out the people in the art area. If some of the dance groups really need my help, I'll tell them which dance move, to help them with their choreography." Alexa told me.

"That's good. Momma bear still does a lot even when she's expecting." I said, jokingly, Alexa and I laughed.

Luckily Eddie was already asleep. We both walked out of his room and went downstairs to get my stuff. Once we got my suitcases and all that, we put them up in Alexa's room. We laid in there for a while, just staring up at the ceiling, snuggled up with each other.

"How's your life going so far?" Alexa asked me, after about half an hour of staring at the ceiling and without saying a word to each other.

"It's good. Just busy. How about yours sweetie?" I asked.

"That's good, hope you did good in your exams. Mines getting better I guess, well since the hate has stopped." Alexa said, I looked up at her slightly.

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