I had Harry Styles child - Chinitaeek

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Funny honey. Lol what? Enjoy :)

Alexa's POV

Zayn and Niall wanted to see what was in the cleaners room. Then they pushed me in and locked me in, they apologized first though, before leaving. I knew why they did it, so all five boys can go shopping to get me something for my birthday from all of them. But they didn't have to lock me in a cleaners room!! Jeesh!! I was only angry at them for locking me in here, they could've asked me to go somewhere, where they wouldn't be. So I decided to tweet about it, to see if one of the lads could get me out. Louis was going to, but he didn't know where I was, I couldn't be bothered to tell him. It wasn't worth it, when the boys are somewhere else in the mall.

So I didn't tell Louis and sat in the cleaners room and thought about everything. From good times with Harry and my parents, before they left me. To the time where I was really depressed, when Harry was still in Holmes Chapel. Also all the good times with One Direction and the other celebrities I've worked with or met.

It must of been an hour or so, before I woke up to the boys trying to open the door. Yes, I fell asleep, from crying, about my dad's stupid ex-boss abusing me. I hope I didn't look like I've been crying, because I don't want it tell the boys about that month. Though Harry was there, I didn't want to get the boys out of the shopping, fun mood. Yeah I've had a depressing life with my brother, but I didn't think of suicide. I thought about how angry I was at my brother and how much pain I was in. Then my dad's ex-boss came over one night and he verbally and physically abused me... Then Travis wanted to kill me after three years after Harry left.

I quickly got up and wiped my face, hoping to get rid of the tear stains, if there were any. Then I went to the door.

"I'm at the door, be careful!!" I told the boys, they all said 'yep'. I chuckled at them as they tried to open the door. They finally got the door open, I walked back a few steps to the side, so the door wouldn't hit me.

"finally!!" Liam and Louis said, happy to get the door open and to see I'm alive, all of the boys walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"group hug!!" Louis screamed in my ear.

"Louis!!" I screamed back in his ear. "that was my ear you screamed in." I told Louis, chuckling at him.

"sorry Alexa." Louis said, kissing my ear better. I rolled my eyes at him.

"fancy seeing you in here love." Harry said winking at me. I hugged him, he hugged back.

"fancy seeing you in here too babe." I said giving him a quick peck on the lips. Nail, and Louis grabbed their hearts, to make it more dramatic.

Harry and I chuckled. I brought myself and everyone back to reality. "so you boys don't need to lock me in cleaners rooms anymore?" I asked, looking at Niall and Zayn, they gave me a apologetic look, I smiled.

"nah, well it's almost 8:30. So who's up for dinner?" Liam asked, looking at Niall, we started laughing, as Niall put up his hand and jumped up and down saying 'me!'.

"besides Niall, I'm hungry as well and I know where to get our dinner from." I said, cheekily smiling.

I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him along with me to the food court. Since I moved to L.A and first went to the mall, I loved this Italian, Greek and Chinese food shop. It's called 'Chinitaeek', they put all three countries names in one. I thought it was very creative, it is. I love my Greek and Italian food, sometimes Chinese. I have relatives from Greece somehow? I chuckle mentally at the question, Harry saw me smirking, he raised an eyebrow at me.

"what?" I asked him, still smiling.

Harry shrugged, I rolled my eyes at him, Harry smiled, putting his arm around my waist.

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