I had Harry Styles child - surprise and a cheeky chase

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Enjoy :) xx

Alexa's POV

Once we were all ready to leave, I told Louis to follow Harry, Niall and I. Since Louis doesn't know where to go.

Before Louis got in the car, I grabbed his shoulder, so he could face me. "you know that I speed. So you better stay on my tail." I told Louis, he laughed. Dirty minded boy.

Once I got in the car, I drove off, with Louis right behind me the whole time. Luckily there were no cops out today, or I would've defiantly gotten a ticket or two. When we got to musical forest, I stopped at the entrance, with Louis behind me.

I got out of the car and went to Louis. He put his window down. "do you guys feel like walking a mile or two?" I asked the boys. They looked like they were about to faint. Haha, not long when you talk and listen to music, I thought to myself. They all shook their heads at Louis. Aww, haha, joking.

"nah, sorry babe. Is there a track where we can drive through?" Louis asked me, I chuckled.

"yeah, but it might be a bit bumpy. So be careful." I winked at them.

"you're not going to speed down the track, are you?" Liam asked. I am a pretty good speeder. So if I ever have to ever drive away from cops, I'd get away.

"of course I am. The boys in Harry's car don't mind, they said jokes the while way. Also Niall giggled a few times. I don't know why, but yeah." I had to laugh at that memory.

"alright, try to keep up with ya." Louis said, I nodded. Then I got back in Harry's car, and drove off, with Louis behind me.

Half way to our destination. "so this is your surprise? It looks beautiful." Niall and Harry asked.

I had to laugh, that was weird, and funny at the same time. "you guys haven't seen anything yet." I smirked at the boys. "plus, yeah this is forest is part of my surprise. But when we get to our destination, that is the part you will like and is the big part of my surprise." I smiled at them.

Niall's POV

"holy mother of god." all of us boys said, when we saw the club and the beautiful waterfall.

"so I'm guessing you guys like it so far?" Alexa asked, we all looked at her.

"yes!!" we all yelled excitedly.

"please don't tell me, you own this club as well?" Zayn asked Alexa.

"nah, one of my friends that work with me in the music studio, he owns it." Alexa answered, she smiled.

"cool, what should we do first?" I asked everyone.

"we'll you probably want to eat something, don't you Niall?" Liam asked, joking around, ruffling with my hair. We all laughed, I nodded.

"alright guys, come with me." Alexa waved to us, to follow her.

Alexa's POV

Once the boys and I got inside the club, there were only a few people in here. Most likely staff, the club doesn't open until later on tonight.

"Alexa!!" I heard my mate, chris, yell out my name. From the DJ area.

"chris!!" I ran up to him and hugged him. Chris helped Sharon, jack, Edward and I move in, once we first got here.

"how are you? Oh damn, better keep tonight quiet then?" chris asked, looking at Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn.

"if you don't mind? I don't want anything happening to them. Plus I'm good. I'm going to get some food and go down the waterfall, okay?" I asked chris. He nodded. I hugged him again.

"before you leave, would you like to make a playlist?" I nodded, then made a playlist. The first song that played on my playlist was 'earthquake' by Labrinith ft Tinnie Tempah.

I put the food on the picnic table, that was near the waterfall. Harry quickly kissed me before he and Louis took their clothes off, only in their boxers, and jumped into the waterfall pool. Liam and Zayn were next to join Harry and Louis, but not too deep for Zayn. It was only Niall and I at the picnic table. I got a sandwich out of the basket, and Niall got two. I laughed, Niall smiled, with half a sandwich in his mouth. I got my phone out and took a photo of Niall's sandwich smile, then posted it on twitter.

Once Niall finished his first half of his sandwich, he spoke. "one for twitter?" Niall asked, then his phone vibrated, then looked at what I posted. "ahaha, trendy." Niall smiled at me, I returned the smile.

Harry's POV

"hey babe." I said to Alexa, as I hugged her. Alexa screamed.

I just came out of the waterfall pool, with Louis chasing after me. Haha, I dacked him. As I hugged Alexa, and she trying to get out of my arms. I put my hands on her boobs to leave a hand print on her t-shirt, one for each boob. Haha, I'm so cheeky. Alexa started chasing after me, once I let go of her.

"Harold Edward styles, come here right now!!!" Alexa screamed at me.

"oh damn boy!! Your in trouble!!!" Niall yelled out.

I was near the waterfall pool, so I jumped in. Alexa stopped at the edge. As I was about to yell out 'haha', Alexa stripped, only wearing her underwear. I heard the boys wolf whistling, on the other side, at the picnic table. I had to laugh at that, then Alexa jumped on, oh shit. I started swimming away from Alexa, as she grabbed me by my waist.

"fancy seeing you in here love." I winked at Alexa, she blushed.

Alexa just rolled her eyes at me. Then she pushed me down under water. I put my hands on her tummy, I wonder what it would've felt like to feel her tummy when she's pregnant? Right, Alexa, I tickled her. She let go of my head, so I could go back to surface, to get air. Once I stopped tickling Alexa, she looked into my eyes. That question was still on my mind. Alexa must've known what I was asking myself.

"don't even think about getting me pregnant, until we get married." Alexa said to me, it must've been a hard time for her. Me leaving, to live my dream, her brother in prison, then her parents dying before Edward was born.

"I wasn't thinking of getting you pregnant, just to know what is feels like to touch your bump." I told Alexa, smiling at her. Alexa blushed slightly and smiled.

We swam to shore, then I got Alexa's clothes, while she got her towel and dried off.

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