I had Harry Styles - truth or dare, nightmares and the day with JB

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So it's been nearly a week since I've updated this story. I've got heaps to upload on this. So I'll try to upload two or more a day :)

Chanzy <3 xox

Alexa's POV

So we're playing truth or dare, since there's nothing on TV. I asked if I could go first. They said yes, then I asked them. They are looking at each other, of what they should answer me.

"truth." Liam finally said. I wanted to know if the could skate, with a skate board, or ride a scooter, also hoping they can ride a bike. Because Justin Bieber text me today saying that tomorrow he will be coming to my studio to do some choreography with him. Also we usually go skating later on in the park near my studio. I think the boys will be with me again tomorrow, so if they are, they can come with Justin and I.

They were looking at me, waiting for my question. "can you guys skate? Like skate boarding? Or ride a scooter?" they were expecting a different question, but they all nodded, answering my question. But they also had confusion over their faces. I laughed at them, "don't ask why, it's a surprise." smiling at them.

"okay then..? Truth or dare Harry?" Zayn looking confused, but asked Harry which one he wanted. "dare?" Harry answered Zayn.

After each boy kissing each other, some shocking truths, and three long hours of playing truth or dare, we all finally went to bed. Harry came in my room to sleep with me, Niall and Louis in one guest room, and Zayn and Liam in the other guest room. We were all finally asleep.

It was around two in the morning, I couldn't sleep. I was thinking of when to tell Harry, that he's a father. It was kind of bugging me, but not too much that it'll make me blurt the truth out. Sometimes when I was hiding something and it bugged me too much, I usually blurt the truth out. It's happened a couple of times to me in my life time.

I jumped a little when I heard Harry say something, "hey you oaky babe?" I turned to face him. Looking in his eyes, it wasn't really dark in my room, but it was dark enough that you might not know where you are going when you walk around in my room.

"yeah, just can't sleep.." I let out a sigh. Brushing some curls out of Harry's face. I smiled.

"are you sure? You seemed to gone pale a couple times when someone said 'baby boy' to you. Were you okay? What's up? It seems like you're hiding something, are you?" Harry kept asking me these questions, my face went pale, I didn't know what to say.

"yeah, I'm fine. I don't know, I felt sick I guess. Noo.. I'm not." trying to sound convincing, but it didn't work. I just gave Harry an annoyed look, that I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"hmm..okay then babe." smiling and kissing me on my forehead. That's when we heard a knock on the door. "come in?" Harry said.

It was Niall, he walked in. "what's wrong sweety?" asking Niall why he was here. I looked at Harry who had the same look of concern as mine did.

"I had a nightmare mummy." pouting and looking scared, I waved him to come over to my bed.

"Aww it's okay baby, mummy's here, come here, lay next to mummy, if daddy doesn't mind?" Harry shook his head, Niall came over and got into bed with us. "what happened baby? Does Louis know you're in here?" asking Niall. Niall snuggled up to me, putting his head in the crook of my neck, I wrapped my arm around him.

"my nightmare was about you and Harry fighting and something happens. But it was scary..and Louis doesn't know because he was asleep and I couldn't wake him up, that's why I came here." Niall hugged me tighter, I felt concerned, I hope nothing happens.

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