I had Harry Styles child - going to Alexa's studio

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I'm going ahead to upload as many chapter before I get to Skool. So enjoy reading!! :) xx

Niall's POV

When the boys, Alexa and I got to the second floor. We all looked around in awe, it was big and beautiful, lost of pictures of dancers in different dance positions. Some were ballroom dancing, there were hip hop, street dancing, even some pictures of dancers dancing at concerts and in plays. Also a few in music videos. I wonder if Alexa wouldn't mind helping us out with some choreography with our new music video. Wow, there was even one where Alexa and some other girls, and some guys dancing at a Justin Bieber concerts. Man, Alexa, she has a wonderful dance and music studio here in California.

"Hey Alexa? What do you do here in your studio? Do you dance or sing?" I asked, breaking the silence as Alexa was looking around, listening to which room the music came from, I wonder who else is here?

"hmm? Sorry Niall, just looking for where the music is coming from. Um..I teach dance, any kind really, also I teach music as well. I love to sing and dance, you can even ask Harry." she answered me, smiling at everyone, the rest of the boys was looking at Harry for his answer.

"It's true, she always danced and sang, she still does today, dancing and singing is Alexa's life, as you can see," Harry saying to everyone and smiling at Alexa, he looks proud of her. I smiled towards both of them, Harry's arm around her shoulder, they seem to have a lot of history together. I'm happy for them to reunite, and get to meet the rest of us. I think we will have fun together.

Harry breaking me out of my thoughts, he continued saying, "I'm proud of you Alexa, your dream came true, like mine." he pulled Alexa into a hug, she blushed, but had a tear sliding down her cheek. Harry wiped it away.

"hey you two love birds," Louis saying winking at Harry and Alexa, they just blushed. He continued saying, "I think I know where the music is coming from? From that room over there." Louis pointing to the room where the music came from.

Alexa's POV

Louis pointed to the room where the music came from. Thank the lord, Louis found it, it was kind of hard to find, since I can't think properly with Harry staring at me. I gave Louis a 'thank you' look, he nodded back.

As I got to the door, I told the boys to wait for me here, before I let the boys in, I'm not sure who is in here... So yeah. Luckily they did as they were told without any arguing.

I opened the door, there was Sharon and her husband, Jack, dancing to 'Love is in the air'. I love that song from ballroom dancing. They paused the music as I entered the room.

"Hey babe. How are you? Your a bit late don't you think?" Sharon asking, as well as greeting me with a hug. I smiled back at her. "hey baby, I'm alright, just meet a band on the way, then got, kind of kidnapped by one of the band members, then they are here now, outside the room.." not looking happy neither confident. Sharon just gave me 'what's wrong' look. I told her to look outside this room, she did. She screamed Harry's name and they hugged. I walked over to jack, who was drinking some water. Jack sort of knows Harry, they went to high school together, but only for our first year. I waved to jack, he says, "hey sexy, what's up with you?" joking around on the word 'sexy', since Sharon is his wife, but looking concerned when I only waved at him.

"Harry's here, and I don't know what to do, I mean about Eddie, I can't tell him, I don't know what to say to him, I don't know how he will react. I'm just scared, I don't want to lose him, especially after just reuniting with him, and meeting the rest of the band, One Direction." I say to jack, as I start to tear up.

"well, I have no idea what you should do, sorry, but you will only know if you will lose him or not, if you try to tell him, that he's the farther of Eddie." jack pulled me into a hug as Sharon and One Direction walked into the room.

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