I had Harry Styles child - talking to Louis

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Here's another chapter.

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Chanzy xx

Alexa's POV

It was around five to nine when we were all ready and were leaving my place to go to my studio. When we got on the bus my phone vibrated, I got a new text, but it was from an unknown. It read:

Hi Alexa, my name is Cody Simpson, do you know who I am? Well anyways, I was wondering what are doing in about two months time? Because I will be doing a music video in California also some concerts. Will you help me and my dancers learn new dance moves? Text me ASAP. Thanks :) C.S

I replied:

Hi Cody, yeah I know who u are. I'm not sure sorry, but I would love to. I'm kind of busy at the moment and for the next month. But I really hope to get u in and see ya. Well we should keep in contact so I can tell when I can fit u in. Cheers :) A

"who ya texting now?" Zayn asking me the question, I looked up at him.

"Cody Simpson, he was asking me what I was doing in two months time, so I can help him for his music video." I said smiling, I hope I get to. I like meeting singers and get to work with them. I get to know them and usually keep in contact with them. Which reminds me, I should probably text Miley, to see how she's going. I haven't talked to her for a couple months now, we've both been so busy.

I text Miley:

Hey babe, how are u? Been a long time since we talked to each other. :) xx

Miley: hey beautiful, I'm good u? It has, hasn't it? I heard One Direction is in town, u met up with Harry yet? ;) xxx

Me: I'm good, it has. Yeah they are, yeah I have, he's my bf now.. ;) and its our second day together, we met up yesterday. Funny story how we saw each other. I walking to my fave coffee shop on the way to work. When Harry literally ran into me. :/ :) xxx

Miley: ahaha, that's good, u two are perfect for each other ;) haha, should've watched where u were going, well more like Harry, but yeah. How's ur trip from the fall? :P xxx

Me: haha thanks. Yeah oh well. It hurt, he was on top of me, but my butt hurt from landing on the concrete, it's better now tho :D xxx

Miley: no probs babe, oh damn, trying to be sexy there aye? ;) aww wish I could kiss ur butt better :P look sweety, I got to go, I'm sorry, talk to u soon!! :) love u babe xxx

Me: yeah probably was ;) wish u could :) nah its ok honey, talk to u soon too!! :) love u too baby xxx

As Miley and I finish texting, we were almost at my studio, I guess I should text Justin now.

Me: hey Justin, almost at studio, be there in a coupe mins. See u then :) xx

Justin: okay beautiful, see u then :) xx

I walked over to Louis. "hey Louis, can I talk to you later, sometime before Harry and I leave? It's important." whispering to Louis, didn't really want anyone to hear me.

"yeah sure, is everything okay?"

"thanks, ehh. But I need to talk to you though, but it's a secret between us. Harry can't find out, until I find the right time. Okay?"

"oh, okay. Your no prego are you?"

My face went pale, he will find out soon, that I was. "what? No, I.. I'll talk to you later, we're here now.." luckily, I didn't know what to say to him.

"it's okay, and I know. But I'm here for you anytime you need me, uncle Louis is always here." he said to me smiling. That reminded me, I also need to talk to him about what he did to Niall this morning.

As we got off the bus and into the studio, Timomatic song 'can you feel it' was play in my favorite dance studio room. I ran there, found my class was there and dancing. I started dancing with them, as the boys ran off after me. I felt like I need to dance at the moment, though I will be dancing all day. I don't have class today, but the class is here to help Justin and his dancers.

I grabbed my phone quickly, I forgot to as Justin which room he is in, I don't feel like searching.

Me: hey Justin, what room u in? Thanks :) xx

Justin: hey bub, upstairs down the end, on the left. No probs :) xx

Me: thanks, see u in a min, just getting my class and the boys ready then we will be up. :) xx

Justin: coolies, see u then :) xx

I put my phone away, then I gathered everyone together. "morning class, we are going upstairs down to the end, on the left okay? But first of all, I got you all a surprise, boys you might want to cover your ears up." I said as grabbing Harry, Niall and the rest in, to meet my class. All of the boys covered their ears, when the girls saw who I brought with me, some of them screamed, the rest were shocked. The girls are between 15 years old to my age, 18.

"okay girls, calm down, we really got to go now, or someone's going to get worried." trying to calm the girls down, and winking at them for not to say who the singer is. We all headed up the stairs down to the end, I knocked on the door, no one answered. Haha, Justin must be giving them a surprise alright. When I opened the door, there was only one boy standing there, it was Bryan. I haven't seen him in a long time, he must be visiting Justin while he's on tour.

"okay boys you come in with me," grabbing Harry's hand and Niall's hand, while Louis grabbed Zayn's hand, who grabbed Liam's hand. "hey Bryan, how you going?" I asked Bryan, while greeting him with a hug.

"hey Alexa, I'm good, you bub? Oh and by the way becareful." Bryan said, hugging me back. I knew what he meant, because Justin came out of one of the mirror doors, and went behind the boys and screamed out "surprise!!!". All of the boys screamed and jumped into each other's arms. I had to catch Niall, oh my god, he's not heavy or anything, but he could lay off the Nandos for a little bit though.

"ahaha, you should of...seen your faces.. I'm great now.. By the way.. Haha.. Thanks for the.. Heads up." replying Bryan, between laughs., I wish I had taken a photo of that and put it on twitter and Facebook. I put Niall down, he pouted at me, I just grabbed him into a hug, "aww baby, it's okay, it was only a surprise." telling Niall and the boys. Niall hugged me back. We parted, I went over to Justin, I hugged him.

"hey there Freddie, want to start?" I said to Justin, while he hugged me back.

"hey there beautiful, I'd love too, hey we better get my dancers out, and get your class together, so they can start learning," Justin replied me, while my phone vibrated in my pocket. "and we should go upstairs and start recording." winking at me and grabbing my hand and waving the boys to come with us. We started running up the stairs. I didn't bother checking my phone until we finished in the recording studio.

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