I had Harry Styles child- cd finding gifts and ride with Louis

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Happy reading!! :) x

Alexa's POV

As I lead the boys back to my place, an hour later, I decided to listen to my cd that I made last year. Since no one else was in the car with me. I don't know why the boys wanted to go with each other, but I needed some time to think.

When my favorite sing on my cd played, I remembered something, as I also just went past the area. I hit the breaks, hoping the boys will stop too, they did. I quickly ran over to Louis' car, and Liam was driving. Haha, poor uncle Louis still a bit hungover.

"hey what's wrong?" Liam asked as I got to the car.

"uh nothing? I just need to go to the lake over there, I need to get something from there. I'll explain later when we get back to my place. If you know the way from here, you can go, you don't have to wait." I said to Liam, a bit rushed.

"uh not really, but we'll still want to make sure you come back." Liam said, as I nodded and ran to the lake.

Once I first moved to California, and I came to this lake, I had the stuff my parents wanted to give to drake and Harry when they died. So I dug a hole near the lake and out it in there. I promised my parents I would give it to them when I saw them again. I knew exactly where the hole was near the lake because I planted a tree a few meters away from it. I got to it and dug, thank the lord all of the gifts were still there, and also that nobody was at the lake today.

I ran back to Harry's car, with all of the stuff in my hands. Liam honked the horn at me, I jumped and screamed, all of the boys were laughing, I stuck the finger up at them.

"love too!!" Louis and Zayn screamed out the window. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at them.

I dropped something, thanks Liam, joking. It was a little box, with my name on it. I bent down to pick it up, but Louis honked the horn at me. I know it was Louis, because I could see him lean over, out of the corner of my eye. Well someone is horny, haha, jokes. Well I hope he's not. I picked up the box and put it in my pocket. I quickly got my phone out and text Louis.

Me: we'll someone's horny ;) xx

I heard Louis crack up, then he got out of the car, and walked towards me.

"hey can I ride with you, the rest of the way?" Louis asked sweetly, ah what the heck. But I still had to joke.

"why? So you can perve on me without Harry seeing?" I winked at Louis, he blushed slightly, oh damn.

"noo, so you won't be lonely. Plus I already do that all the time, with Harry watching." Louis winked at me, joking around, I blushed. I hope he was joking. Louis chuckled at me.

"yeah sure, jump in." I smiled at Louis, he returned the smile, and nodded at Liam.

I played the rest of my cd, as we were heading to maccas, so we can get late lunch, mainly for Niall, since we could hear him complaining, in the car behind us. Yes we could hear Niall complaining, only because he screamed it out a few times. So I got Louis to ring up Zayn, to see if Niall and the rest of the boys wouldn't mind maccas, they didn't, so off to maccas, haha.

"so those were your own songs? Also you sang them all by yourself?" Louis asked, as he changed CDs.

"yes and yes. Do you not like them?" I asked Louis, he looked shocked when I asked him that. I was just only asking.

"are you serious!?! I love it!! You're really good you know. Why didn't you make lots of copies? I would've of bought some, and I'm sure guys would've too." Louis replied smiling at me.

"just asking. And thanks, I didn't want to." I smiled back. "drive-thru?" I asked Louis, as we entered maccas, he nodded.

Louis' POV

Wow!! That's all I can say. Alexa knew what to get for every single one of us. She knows us boys well. But I had a question on my mind that I wanted to ask Alexa, okay maybe two questions. One of them is going to shock her, maw ahaha.

"hey Alexa, can I ask you somethings?" I asked Alexa, she had a 'wtf?' look on her face. I think that's from when I said 'somethings'?

"uh, yeah sure." she sounded like she'd had to face/tell the truth.

"number one. What were those boxes? Also why were they near the lake?" I looked at Alexa, I sounded like her father. Alexa looked pale, and looked like she was about to cry. I rubbed my hand up and down her arm.

"uhh...I'm not sure what's in the boxes, because I didn't want to see them until I saw Harry and drake. They're from my parents." a tear dropped from her eye, I regretted asking her that. None of us boys like seeing Alexa cry.

"oh okay. I'm sorry. Number two?" I asked Alexa, as we got to the front, to get our food and pay for it. I quickly put Alexa's 'QuickSilver' hat on my face, for the fourth time. So what? I was counting, I didn't want anyone to know that I was in the car with Alexa. You never know if someone is a fan anywhere, they could spread rumors about Alexa and I, also you never know if there are paps around. Just trying to be safe, for the boys and I, especially Alexa. I just wanted to enjoy the ride home with her, also she can enjoy it too.

"thank you. Louis, you can take my hat off your face. Also yes number two." Alexa said, smiling at me, driving off, towards her house.

"ok." I watched Alexa take a drink of her coke, this is going to be funny. "well, Harry and I were talking this morning, and we talking about marriage. What would you do if Harry proposed to you?"

Oh My God!! Best spit take ever!!! I'm so nice ;)

Alexa looked at me like if I was crazy, well more like Harry. Haha. I started cracking up. Alexa smacked me on the head, but luckily not too hard, but I still pouted at her. Luckily Alexa pulled over, she kissed me on the head.

"don't worry, he's not going to propose, until you both settle down, including us, also until you are both old enough too." I said to Alexa, making sure she doesn't have a heart attack, or kill me.

"ok. Thanks for telling me a minute later!!" Alexa said sarcastically.

"anytime babe!!" I said being cheeky. "so??" wiggling my eyebrows at her, Alexa rolled her eyes at me.

"yes. Because we've known each other since we were babies. Also I love him." Alexa replied with a smile. "plus we have Edward." Alexa said, blushing slightly.

"aww haha. Have you told him that lately?" I asked Alexa, she blushed like a tomato.

"not exactly, we don't exactly have to say it. We say it through our eyes and kisses." Alexa smiled, she does love Harry and I know loves her back.

"Naww." I said putting my hand on my heart, and pretending to wipe a tear away.

Alexa started laughing, then started driving again. I got my phone out and logged onto twitter.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Naww @A!ex@Sty!e$ does really love @Harry_Styles. They r soo cute together!! :) love u both, u two love birds ;) xox also boys, be home in a few mins :) FOOD!!! :D

@NiallOfficial: @Louis_Tomlinson: they are soo cute together!! :) FOOOOODDDD!!!!! :D xox

@Louis_Tomlinson: @NiallOfficial: haha, they are. :) xox yes food Niall. ;) love u Nialler :) xox

@NiallOfficial: @Louis_Tomlinson: YAY!!! love u too boo bear ;) tell @A!ex@Sty!e$ I said hi and I love her too :) xox

@Louis_Tomlinson: @NiallOfficial: will do bro :) xox

"really? Talking to Niall, when we're almost there? By the way tell him I said hi and I love him too." Alexa said, I blushed when she said 'really?'. Yeah, I was, but who cares? Haha.

"yep!! I will." I said popping the 'p', smiling at Alexa.

@Louis_Tomlinson: @NiallOfficial: @A!ex@Sty!e$ said hi and she loves u too :) xox

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