I had Harry Styles child - where's Lou?

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I can't wait for the next chapter!!! Aha. You'll find out in the next day why!! Tehe. Anyways, cookies are awesome and you are too!! Enjoy!!

Alexa's POV

Five days later...

"Alright, we've done a lot, while in Washington. What else would my princess like to do?" Harry asked, as we walked through a random street.

We just finished shopping, spending the day together. We have done that a lot for the last week. It's been one week since Christina, Eddie and I came to Washington, D.C. A couple days ago, after Harry and I met with Sarah, our third meeting.. we went to The White House, and went on a little tour with the tourists and local people. It was fun, we learnt quite a lot of things about America and their politicians, especially their presidents.

I've even spent time alone with each of the other guys. Liam and I went to the movies and watched a couple of movies, before he had to go to a tv show interview. I also went to the movies with Zayn, we watched a chick flick and a comedy movies, we had fun. Christina, Eddie and I also went out for a day, well actually, each time we're alone, we go out or do something together, even if it's just watching TV in the hotel room. The bodyguard I got, Jimmy, he stayed with us -obviously, he is my bodyguard- and watched TV with us, and of course he came with the three of us when we went out.

Right, back to reality, Harry just asked me a question. Harry lightly chuckled at me, I slightly blushed.

"What?" I asked.

"Your cute when you go to la la land." Harry answered, kissing my hand he's holding onto. My blushed darkened.

"Thanks sweetie. Also I'm not sure what else we can do." I told him, he just nodded.

Harry had his thinking face on, I smiled at him. I looked to the other side of the road, I saw a camera flash. Oh god, really? Paparazzi stalking us again, why? Well I know why, but it's just ridiculous. Each time any of us go out, either any of the guys, Christina or I go out of the hotel, they're following us. Actually it was funny when Niall and Christina went out to a local Italian restaurant, to pick up our dinner, paparazzi followed them and it was funny what people said on twitter and Facebook and all the talk shows, it was funny. Some people wrote on twitter and Facebook, 'why is Niall Horan picking up take-away? And is this girl his girlfriend or just a beautiful girl who is his friend..?'.

Now that I think about it, why did we make Niall go with Christina to pick up our dinner? Huh. And I know for sure that Christina and Niall are not dating. Either one of them would tell me straight away if they were dating one another. But I'm going to ask them later on when Harry and I get back to the hotel, just to be on the safe side...

"Your in la la land again Alexa." Harry said, laughing at me, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, just thinking of the funny things that's happened over the past week." I explained.

"Fair enough. You were thinking about the Niall and Christina photos weren't you?" He asked, I breathed a laugh, nodding my head.

"It's like you can read my mind Harry, and that's what I love about you. You know what I'm thinking." I told him, stopping him, leaning up and kissed him.

"Mmm, I love everything about you." Harry moaned through the kiss, smiling.

I smiled too. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist, and put his hands on my lower back. I put my hands on his chest, sliding them, slowly, up around his neck and into his curls, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Harry groaned, pulling me closer to him, I softly moaned. He pulled away, heavily breathing, like me.

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