I had Harry Styles child - hide and seek and truths and dares

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I love this one, it's funny :) but serious :)

Chanzy xx

Alexa's POV

Zayn called Harry, to ask him something. While they were talking, I got my clothes and got dressed. Then I heard Harry went into the kitchen, still talking to Zayn. When I got in they were just finishing off, I walked up behind Harry and wrapped my arms around him.

Once he hung up the phone and put it down, Harry turned around and hugged me. "well finally a proper greeting. Morning babe. How are you?" he smiled at me, kissing me on the cheek.

"morning baby, I'm good how about you?" I winked at him. He chuckled lightly.

"that's good, I'm good, but still hard." Harry said, smirking at me. I blushed, before he could see me blushing, I turned around walking to the fridge, to get some juice. "I saw you blush, you can't hide it from me babe." he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, kissing me on the neck.

After breakfast, Harry and I went for a walk along the beach, we brought a couple beach towels and a picnic basket. We held hands walking, there were a few people on the beach we could see in the long distance, but they won't be able to recognize Harry from where we were.

Louis told me what Harry would do if he became a father at this age. I wish Harry and Louis became friends during high school, so I would of told Harry about him being a father. But they live in different cities, oh well. I thought I might ask Harry as well. "hey Harry, can I ask you something?" I stopped and sat down, when we got back to our beach towels.

"yeah, sure, of course you can. What's up?" Harry smiled at me.

"what would you say and do, if you found out you were a father or becoming a father at this age?" I asked him looking at his face expression. He looked a bit shocked.

"to be honest?" he asked me, I nod. "I would stay with the girl the whole time while she's pregnant, and raise our child together. I would be shocked, but I would be happy that she's having my baby. I would do anything for her and my baby. Even if we do break up. Why? Did I get you pregnant?" aww, I thought to myself. But with Harry's question, I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him?

"uhh..um, do you want the truth?" I asked him, I was nervous, I mean who wouldn't be? Harry just nodded, I grabbed his hands, "but you promise to not freak out or get angry or anything to hurt me?"

"you know I'll never hurt you, you are my love and my life, I can't live without you." Harry said. Here goes nothing.

"okay, well yes you got me pregnant. But it was about three years ago. I fell pregnant a month before you left to go on X factor.." I told Harry, "Eddie is your son, his first name is really Edward, I named him after your middle name. But I gave him to Sharon and Jack, since they're older than us, and they wanted me to go to university and finish my teenage life." Harry looked shocked, and a little sad.

"why didn't you tell me? I would've stayed with you." Harry said.

"I didn't know what to say, or how to say it. Besides you were going away to X factor in the city.." Harry cut me off.

"oh okay. But I would've told them that I couldn't go anymore. I would've made a reason up. You should've of told me..." now I cut him off.

"I wanted you to live your dream, which you did...I'm s-sorry." I started crying, Harry pulled me into a hug, I kept crying, on his shoulder.

"hey, hey, shh baby, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I wouldn't of mind of missing that season. Shh it's okay." Harry said to me, trying to calm me down. "do your parents know?" Harry asked me.

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