The Meeting

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Everything was a lie.

Lola dropped her bag on the cushion with rather an unintended force, hazy vision, and unsteady steps. She pulled herself down on the chair, and let out the flood she had been holding ever since she heard the word, 'I lost interest'. Her baby shoe felt heavy, and she tugged on it with an unsteady hand, trying to release it for a long time, was all futile.

All Lola felt at the moment was to curl herself as a ball, and maybe a nice cold stone ice cream, just to make her bitter heart a bit sweet. And a slow sad love song will be so welcomed at the moment. She shook her head slowly and sighed. How many times would she repeat the circles? The tears, the encouragement, the new hope. It feels all useless at the moment.

"Babe!" she heard her friend's loud voice. Lola didn't bother to sober up, after all, Laura was more than a friend to her; she was family. "What the heck happened? You look a mess." Lola resisted the urge to roll her eyeball. She was a mess.

She tried to speak but came up with muffled words, tangled and lost in the air. Laura dropped beside her, carefully lifting her bag, and dropping it in another chair. She crossed her legs over each other, just the way she believed a sophisticated lady had to sit down. "You know, you can pour your mind, body, and soul to me. That is one of the reasons we are friends." Laura said, in what Lola insisted was a fake British accent. Lola would have corrected her, but she lacked the strength at the moment.

Lola's response was a sob, and more tears flowed from her eyes. Laura unfolded her leg, eyeing Lola in a way that says, 'it can't be that serious. She moved closer to Lola, holding the shaking hands in place. Laura turned Lola's face directly to hers staring into her eyes as if she was trying to communicate with a little child, and she needed the child to assimilate each word properly. "I said, what's the problem?

"Dave broke up with me?"

With a speed that would shame Usain Bolt, Laura released Lola's hand, she stood up and took to shaking her legs. She clapped her hands dramatically three times, and looked at Lola with a dim eye "What am I supposed to do, Lau. Ain't I beautiful enough? Ain't I wealthy enough? Don't I have a good character?" The questions brought Laura to a halt. She moved back to Lola and resumed holding her hands.

"Lola, don't ever question yourself again like that. I mean, did you check your mirror this morning? You are one of the most beautiful and sexy ladies I know of. If it is all about riches, you are the third richest woman in the country. If we are talking about character, yours is captivating and kind. All the homeless people you have helped will guarantee that." She squeezed Lola's hand more reassuringly. "You haven't just found the right person. I promise you that when the right person comes, it will all be fine." She squeezed Lola's hand more. Lola responded with a nod.

Laura called the maid, "Go to the nursing room, and bring me some paracetamol and a glass of water." The maid wore a short black skirt, and a white short-sleeved shirt with a black jacket - the official attire for the maids, that was handpicked and styled by Laura. She stared at Lola and Laura repeatedly looking lost and confused. Laura glanced back at her. "And what are you still waiting for here? Do you need me to make use of a megaphone to communicate with you better?" The maid scurried away from her presence.

"It is going to be okay, Lola. I know you would meet a man who would love you so much that you would forget about Dave or whatever that fool is called." Laura looked in the distance like she was lost in thought. "And the fool doesn't even have money. Didn't you just buy a car for him?"

Lola nodded, not sure where the conversation was heading now. From assurances of getting a better husband to bad-mouthing her ex.

"I knew it. Don't mind the fool, he was only after your money. I am glad that he couldn't achieve his evil goal." Lola was about to reply when the maid returned with the drug and water. Laura collected it and dismissed the maid.

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