Protecting the Women

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Samuel's POV

Samuel had never seen his daughter talk so much; there was no shutting her up in the car. She had a thing or another to tell Lola about. Yet, it was more amazing how Lola could patiently listen to her like she was proposing a deal she couldn't refuse.

The more he got to know Lola, the more he kept falling for her.

He zoned out of their chat and thought of meeting Lola's mother. As she had said, they were no longer young, and they were financially stable to start a family. He didn't believe in dragging a relationship for long before he could pick his partner. These few months he had gotten to know Lola only showed that she was the best choice.

"I need to go to the office." Lola's voice broke through his thoughts. She wore a frown.

"Is something wrong?"

Instead of a response; she glanced back at Rachael.

Rachael was focused on their mouth like she wanted to record and know everything going on between us. Lola smiled at her before turning to me. "Nothing. I just have some things to discuss with Dan."


Was this an opportunity for him to bring up the matte on Dan? What if she asked him? How was he supposed to explain in the presence of his daughter?

"Fine. I will take Rachael home."

Lola nodded.

As if Rachael could sense the change in her mood too, she remained quiet throughout the ride to Lola's office. She was the direct opposite of how she had acted a few hours earlier. When he got to the front of her office, Lola placed a kiss on her forehead. "Thank care, sweetie. I will see you when I get home."

Samuel frowned, touching his forehead. "I think it's unfair to kiss just one person. Where is mine?"

Lola smiled while Rachael groaned. "Daddy, I don't want to see that." She closed her eyes.

Lola took that opportunity and kissed him on the lips. "I hope that's okay."

"Of course." he beamed. "Be safe out there, and call me if you need me or something."

It wasn't until Rachael felt the car starting to move that she opened her eyes with a slight frown. "Did you really have to do that, Daddy?"

He shrugged, "I didn't do anything wrong."

She smiled. "I am so happy right now, Daddy. When will mummy be my real mummy?"

"What do you mean?" He started at her from the rear mirror.

She sighed and smacked her head, "You don't know anything, daddy. Girls like to have weddings. They like the white dresses and looking like a princess. I am sure mummy wants that too, and I do too. I want to wear a white gown."

Samuel chuckled, "Is this for your mummy or you?"

Racheal smirked, "It's all the same."

She sat down glaring at him.

Samuel held the laughter that threatened to spill out. It was only going to aggravate her anger.

His phone beeped and instead of ignoring it like he normally does, he picked it up.   It was a message from a private number.

He smirked; the stalker was finally back.

His smirk dropped the moment he read the message on his phone, and he parked roughly.

Rachael groaned, "What's wrong, Dad? Did something happen?"

He glanced at her at the back. "Sorry, babes. It's nothing." He swiped his face in frustration.

He thought he was ready for the stalker. He had a good plan with his friends, but he wasn't ready for what he had sent him. He should have known a bastard like that would go to any length to achieve his goals.

Rachael looked through the window. "But we aren't home yet. Are we getting something on the way?"

Sam took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, but the more he thought of it, the more he fidgeted. "Sorry, babes, Daddy has to make this call."

She nodded.

Samuel picked up his phone and got out of the car. He locked the car door and rolled up the window, making sure a pin couldn't drop inside the car from outside.

Satisfied, he stood close to the door where Rachael sat; she was staring at him from inside the car.

He waved to put her at ease, while he waited for Mayor to pick up his call.

"There is a problem." He said, his voice coming out breathy.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Samuel ran his hand over his head, "I just received another message from that stalker."

"Oh, isn't that supposed to be good news? It's exactly what we wanted. Did you inform Lola's bodyguard, yet? Laura said he wasn't the one guarding the house."

When did he and Laura start sharing information?

If it wasn't any other day, he would have banked on that to tease the heck out of him. But, there were more pressing matters at hand.

"No. I was looking for the best way to present it to Lola. I didn't want her shock. The last time she came to ask if I was receiving a threat, I denied it. Now, I will look like a liar, and the trust in our relationship is gone."

He exhaled. Rachael was staring at him with wide eyes.

"That stalker threatened me with my daughter."


"His message was, You have a beautiful daughter.  I have read it countless times and can't seem to know what he means. Is that a threat? That is a threat, right?  Of course, it's a threat."

"Calm down. Where is Rachael?"

"In the car with me."

"What about Lola?"

"She had something to do at the office. I just dropped her off not quite long."

Mayor sighed, "You know what?  Why don't you come over to my place with Rachael? I am sure we can come up with something while you are here."

He nodded, "I don't think I can drive properly. I had to park at the roadside. The bastard could be anywhere near us."

"Just take a deep breath and come over. Nothing is going to happen to Rachael while you are with her."

That was right. He would never allow Rachael to be hurt; that he was sure of.  He thanked Mayor and hung up.

"Are you already, Daddy?" Rachael questioned.

He forced a smile at her, "Of course, babes. There is nothing wrong with Daddy. Guess what?"

She frowned, "What? You know I hate guessing games."

"Fine. We are going over to Uncle Mayor's."

A wide smile appeared on her face, "Really! I have missed Uncle Mayor a lot. I can't wait to see the new clothes he has designed."

Samuel forced a smile too, "I am sure Uncle Mayor will be glad to see you too. He must have missed his princess a lot."

"Can we move now, Daddy? The sooner we move; the sooner we get there."

This was the Rachael he wanted to see, always.  His daughter was the most important person to him and he would do anything to protect her. He wouldn't mind stooping to the level of that bastard.

He would do anything to protect the women in his life. 

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