Family Day

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Samuel's POV

Some things were easily said than done; Samuel could testify to that now. Regardless of how confident he was, there was no perfect day or time to discuss the issue with Lola. And Dan was not close; he had placed one of the guards, Bimbo, to be in charge of safeguarding Lola. His name sounds funny, but the guy never laughed. He wore a permanent scowl on his face like it was part of him, even Rachael had tried to play with him countless times thinking she had automatically gained someone else to play with, but Bimbo never played once. He was more difficult to approach than Dan as he always had a tight lip.

It doesn't help that Lola mostly comes back tired and he had more work in the hotel than he had expected. Slowly, the day went on until it was the day for Rachael's school family day. Honestly, due to the pressure of work, he had to deal with recently, Samuel had forgotten about it until Lola reminded her first thing in the morning.

As usual, he had worked up early and was trying to prepare for work, only to hear sounds in the kitchen. He checked the clock; it was five-thirty in the morning. Mimi and Tola were never that passionate about preparing food. He walked into the kitchen to see Lola bending to pick something in the cabinet.

He sneaked behind her and wrapped his hand behind her. The sudden movement had surprised Lola more than he expected; she elbowed him before he could speak. When she turned and saw him holding his stomach, she smiled and apologized. "I am sorry. I have no idea it was you."

He murmured and took the seat closest to him. "I have definitely learned a lesson. I am never sneaking up on you ever again."

She smiled and picked up a pot from the cabinet. "You should be careful around me. I learned some self-defense."

He smirked, "A woman who can protect herself; that's impressive."

"Not more than a woman that can cook good food." She placed the pot on the burner and put some rice. "I am trying to prepare ofada rice and its sauce."

Samuel hasn't seen the food, but his stomach was already pleased with her selection. He smiled at her, "I love eating your food, is there any special reason we are eating ofada today."

Lola raised her brow and that brought confusion to his face. Was it a special day he was missing? They just recently started dating, so it couldn't have been their anniversary right? It wasn't his or Rachael's birthday. He realized he doesn't know her birthday, "Is it your birthday?"

She laughed her voice smooth in the kitchen. "Really. It's not my birthday; today is family day. Don't tell me you have forgotten about family day."

Guilt at him up immediately, making him shut his mouth. He had totally forgotten it was family day. Thank God, Lola had reminded him, as he won't have heard of it from Rachael. He smacked his hand on his head, "Oh! Family day. Honestly, I have forgotten. I have a lot to do at work and that was what had occupied most of my mind." And how to ask you to allow Dan to join my gang, he thought.

She nodded, "Of course, you have forgotten. That's why I am here to remind you. I believe since its family day, the children would be expected to bring food. So, I am preparing this ofada rice and some snacks."

That took him by surprise, he was already grateful that she was attending, but the fact that she was that thoughtful of him took him by surprise. He hugged her again, but this time not from behind, "Thank you, Lola. Thank you so much."

She pulled him away slowly, "Is there any reason you are thanking me? Don't tell me you are thanking me because of Ofada rice?" She hits him playfully. "You are such a foodie."

He knew she knew the reason he was thanking her, but he kept quiet. "I couldn't have done this without you."

"Yeah. Yeah. You are no longer going to live without me." She peeled him off her body slowly and continued her cooking. "Just know there is no work today. Cancel everything you have planned."

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