The Reminder

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"She is so into you, Sam. You shouldn't let go of this opportunity. I can see the way you look at her. It's obvious you like her too." Mayor had dragged him away from the crew for some 'us time'. He had claimed to have something important to tell him. Samuel didn't want to leave Lola with his friend, but she was already feeling comfortable with them. She spoke out now and stopped hiding behind her purse.

"Seriously, Mayor. That was the reason you pulled me out from there."

He nodded with a wide smile plastered on his face, enhancing his baby face, "Yeah. The whole point of this meeting was for me to meet with her. I have and she wasn't what I expected at all."

Samuel's eyes widened. Not that Mayor's expectation of Lola would change the way he felt about her. He just wanted to know his thoughts. "What did you expect?"

Mayor sighed, "I expected her to be snobbish, after all the articles and news I have read about her, but she is none of that. She is friendly, and has the hot for you."

Samuel doubted a lady like Lola would have the hot for him. He was a widow and had a daughter. Lola had never been married, she was financially stable, strong, and very beautiful. There was little to what he can give her when she already had almost everything she needed.

"I know you love overthinking it. Don't think about this too much, just try it out. You can ask her out, and if she refused. There is nothing to lose."

There was his pride, but he didn't say that. "Okay. I think I will try to woo her at the party. It's in two days."

Mayor smiled, "I'm glad things are working fine for you. She is good. Not the kind of woman you want to lose, due to misunderstanding."

Samuel nodded. Deciding to turn the table, he grinned at Mayor, "What do you think Laura?"

May0r groaned, "You already asked that during the game, and I responded."

The look on Mayor's Face was what gave Samuel the go-ahead to continue his taunting. It had been a long he saw Mayor giving his attention to a lady. It was obvious, how he wanted to reply to everything Laura said. He wanted to engage in every of her conversation. "Do you like Laura?"

Mayor groaned, "Don't go there at all. You know I am not interested in being in a relationship at all. I'm happy this way."

Samuel shrugged, "The only thing I know is that at one point you have to get married. If you can't start working on it now, it wouldn't be easier in the future."

Mayor's response was a nod, his face marred by a frown, "I am really not interested in marriage. I don't think I can deal with the issues that come with relationships any more. You know how long it took me to recover from my last heartbreak. I don't want to go down that lane anymore."

For someone who kept encouraging him to move forward with his life, Mayor was stagnant with his. Ever since his last relationship, he had avoided ladies like the plague. He had never been in any relationship, burying all his time and effort in his fashion house. Everything outside fashion doesn't matter to him. As a friend who had gained lots of encouragement from him, Samuel pulled him closer, lowering his voice in a whisper, "You always said it's part of life. Things don't go the way we want them to, but that doesn't mean we have to give up on them. If we don't try again, we won't know the extent we can go in life. You can't give up on a relationship because one failed."

Mayor blinked. He had no idea what to say. Samuel had always let go of his excuses, but he wasn't having it tonight. He was about to respond when a loud, slurry voice interrupted them. "Hellooo... If it isn't the old man and handsome man." Laura swaggered to their front, barely able to hold herself in an upright position. Her pupil was diluted as if it would close anytime soon. She held Mayor's face unexpectedly pulling his head towards her.

Mayor turned in her hand not wanting to make her lose her balance. He helped her stand better. She smelled like alcohol and strawberry.

"Hey, old man. What are you doing here? Are you plotting something against me?" She held him tighter, making her nails dig into his arm. Mayor looked at Samuel for help. Samuel held his lower stomach trying to suppress the laughter that threatened to spill out any time. He had never seen Mayor in such a position. Mayor glared at him, and turned back at the drunken lady, trying to figure out a way to make her let go of him. He moved a bit back, which made her move back, and almost lost balance. Mayor held her back before she could hit the floor.

"Laura." Lola's voice vibrated in their direction. Samuel still trying to suppress his laughter helped Mayor hold unto Laura. They both assisted her in standing upright. When Lola got in front of them, she gasped at them. "I am so sorry." She tried collecting Laura from them, but the guys refused.

"You don't need to worry. We can help her to the car."

Lola followed behind, as they pulled Laura to the car, putting an end to their meeting. The journey back was silent; all Samuel could think about was the kiss. He hadn't expected Lola to accept such a dare in the presence of his friends. Maybe, it was to make their relationship look real in their presence. He sneaked a Lola occasionally, but she was too busy nursing Laura. Samuel really hopes what Mayor said was true, that she really had it hot for him. It would make confessing his feeling easier, but there was no indication that she cared for him at all. All she ever did was to make the contract easier on them.

Lola's head had just hit the bed when her phone started ringing. She checked the caller and groaned. It was five a. m. She had been busy helping Laura get into bed after changing her clothes and forcing her to take a pill that would reduce her hangover the next day. She was finally ready to rest a bit and her mother's call was the first thing she heard. She ignored the call, hoping her mother would let it go. But, she called her again. She should have known her mother wouldn't give up

"Hello, Lola."

"Hello, Mummy. It's so early in the morning, hope there is no problem?"

She heard her mother stifle a yawn. She had just woken up and decided that the first thing to do was call her. "No, dear. I called you to remind you that tomorrow is Tinu's wedding. I will be expecting you and your boyfriend."

Seriously, she had called this early because of that. "You called have called me in the morning, mummy. I am still sleepy right now."

"Is five a.m. not morning? You want me to start calling you when you will always have an excuse for conferences, and meetings. No. Tomorrow, I don't want to hear any excuses."

Lola nodded, "Yes, mummy. I will make sure to make it to the wedding."

"Ehn ehn. Before I forget, give me your boyfriend's number. I will remind him about the wedding."

Really! She wasn't a baby, but her mother wouldn't stop treating her as one. "Don't worry, mummy. I will tell him myself. We won't forget."

Her mother not satisfied continued, "This won't be like the numerous ones you promised to come, and ended up not coming oh. You must come to this, or I will disown you. I will know I don't have a daughter than one that is very disobedient."

Lola yawned, her eyes felt tired. "Okay, mummy. I will come. Bye." Before her mother could get another word out, she cut the call, sighing in relief. She dropped on the bed with a loud thud. She had a day to convince Samuel to take this seriously or she might lose him forever. How would she convince him to be hers during the wedding? With those thoughts in mind, she drifted to sleep, tomorrow hanging on her head like a cloud.

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