Tomorrow is a date

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Chapter Ten

Samuel's POV

He could feel the difference immediately he woke up. There was the smell of something delicious that had consumed the apartment. He tried ignoring it but then his stomach gave him a warning not to try that. So, he got off his bed, wore a shirt and short knickers then bounced down the stairs. It was early, considering the fact that he was an early riser and it was a workday, but the kitchen was already dishing out a delicious aroma.

When he got to the kitchen, he saw Lola perched on a low chair, cutting something he could not see. Her back was to him, but he could see that she already brushed her head and was dressed up with an apron tied around her. When had she woken up? He checked the clock on the kitchen wall, it was just six a.m. Tola was also in the kitchen, putting things in front of Lola, and she was the first to see him.

"Good morning, Sir." she almost knelt on the floor. Lola turned and graced him with one of her lovely smiles. She looked so beautiful already in the morning, and he had no idea when he smiled back at her. For some reason, she had been so friendly. After packing her suitcases in the guest room and getting settled, she had joined them in the sitting room laughing at what Racheal, Mimi or Tola had said. If anyone had walked in on them, he or she would have doubted that she was a billionaire.

"Good morning. What's going on here?"

She picked a napkin to wipe her hand and he could finally see that she was chopping onions on the chopping board. She then turned to him fully, "I am trying to make breakfast."

He glared at Tola. Lola was a guest in the house and she did not need to be making them breakfast. He would have to explain to Tola later that Lola wasn't the type of woman to keep in the kitchen. She was the office woman. The type of woman who is always busy at work - a career woman.

"You don't need to do that? Tola or Mimi could make breakfast for us, that's why they are here." his eyes moved back to Tola and she was scratching her left leg with her other toes. Great! She knew she had done something wrong.

"I know but I insisted. I would be here for two weeks, so I might as well make myself useful in the house."

"I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable. You are a guest here not a maid."

She shook her head, "I am really okay. It was my decision and moreover, I love cooking."

His eyes widened, "You love cooking?"

She searched my eyes for something known to her, "You don't have to look shocked, I once cooked for you, remember."

Of course, he remember the delicious taste of her fried rice but he thought it was a one-time thing. He had no idea that she loved it.

"It's one of my hobbies." She was now pouring the onions into a big pot filled with water. He found himself moving to the seat opposite hers.

"I thought you would be too busy with work but here you are saying cooking is your hobby."

She gave a light chuckle which sounded beautiful in his ears, "I am busy but I always cook to relieve my stress. Just the way you men hits the gym when you are going through something difficult and you don't want to explain it to anyone. Cooking is a stress reliever to me."

This time around, he tried his best to look less shocked. She was interesting to talk to. She was now pouring tomatoes and pepper into the water. "What other hobbies do you have?" He was sincerely curious.

She wanted to say something but glanced at Tola who was now washing the rice. "Gardening. Another thing that makes me feel good is seeing my flowers in great shape."

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