The Promise

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Samuel's POV

"No way, Rachael, she is not your mummy." He had just gotten back from work, and Rachael was the first to attack him, something about family day and wanting Lola to represent her as her mother. The fact that she wanted Lola as her mother doesn't mean she was her mother. Plus, he was just trying to protect his little girl's heart. What if they ended up with a fallout? He and Lola were adults, they could deal with their feelings. Rachael would be the one with the broken heart.

She pouted and dropped beside me on her bed. "But, Daddy, do you remember my wish? You promise to fulfill it.  You said you will make Aunt Lola my mummy in that game. You promised me, Daddy."

Honestly, he had forgotten about the little game wish. This was the reason, you don't promise little children things. They hardly forget anything.

He held her hand trying to find a way to convince her. "Baby, Aunt Lola is a busy woman. She wouldn't have time for a family day; she has to go to work."

She shook her head slowly. Rachael can be quite stubborn just like him. He sighed, knowing he had a lot of explanation to do if he wanted to convince her. He would also need Lola to disagree with her request. "Mummy already told me she will go."

"Mummy?" He raised my brow in confusion.

She smiled, "Aunt Lola said I can call her mummy. I prefer it to Aunt Lola."

He sighed. Rachael was too smart for a ten-year-old. "So, Aunt Lola said you could call her mummy?"

She nodded eagerly, "So, Daddy I just need you to agree, then we can all go as a family. I have never gone to a family day with my mum before. All my friends come with their mummy. I am so excited to show off my mummy too." He stared at her in confusion. How was he supposed to reject it when she was this happy already? He wasn't ready to be the killjoy. He groaned, "Fine. Aunt Lola can go with us to family day. But, always try to remind us. You know Daddy and Aunt Lola are always busy. You need to tell us, so we can make time for it."

He moved back as she jumped on him in happiness. His hand snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him. It had been quite a long time since she allowed him to hug her like this. She had always claimed to be a big girl, but she was too excited to make that claim. She started painting his face with kisses. "I love you, Daddy. I love you."

She squirmed down before he could say anything, and ran out of his room. Samuel stared at the door with a smile lingering on his lips. When was the last time she was this excited?

He was thankful for Lola, but telling Rachael to call her mummy was a bold move. One he hadn't expected from her. They were supposed to take things easy at first. They are just starting their relationship officially, and they were so many things to know about each other. Damn, they might not even be compatible in the end. He tugged at his tie, trying to free himself from his wear and put on casual when a hand snaked around him. He turned around in panic, only to be met with a smiling Lola.

He breathe in relief and pulled his hand around her waist. What did he do to barge such a beautiful woman?

"How was work today?"

"Fine. Thank you."

He placed a kiss on her forehead, but Lola grumbled. "What was that for?"


"A kiss on the forehead."

He shrugged, "Nothing. I did it because I wanted to."

Lola pulled him closer, and put a kiss on his lips. He wanted to withdraw, but she tasted so good, that he ended up pulling her closer to him. When he pulled back from her, she was smirking at her. "I want my man's lips on mine, not on my forehead. Let's reserve the forehead kiss for Rachael."

Her name juggled his memory. He pulled away from her, "Why would you tell Rachael to call you mummy?"

"I am serious, Sam. I tried to tell you but Rachael can be so persuasive."

"Rachael is just a little girl. She lacks motherly touch in her life, and you just have her a whole world of hope. I hope you can deal with it."

She sighed, "It's not just you I fell for, but Rachael too. Remember when I said, I wanted to protect her with you? I wasn't kidding. I want Rachael in my life, just like I want you."

She held his hand slowly, "We are no teenagers, and we don't have to act like one. We are adults, and we know what we are going into before we decided to start dating each other. We know the risk involved. I won't hurt Rachael for any reason."

Samuel stared at her with admonishment. "Did anyone ever tell you that you are beautiful?"

She chuckled, "Of course, right before they ask if they can send me their aza."

He chuckled too, pulling her close. "I don't mean outward beauty. You are beautiful inside and outside. And I am a lucky bastard to have you by my side."

"I am the lucky one to have you in my life."

"This is our first day as a couple. I can't wait to spend more days with you."

He meant every word, he had spoken to her. Ever since Lara, he hadn't met a woman who called to him, the way Lola did. And although he tried to avoid her, he couldn't help but fall for her more.

Lola stared at him speechless. He stared back without saying a word. They didn't speak, but it felt as if a thousand words were spoken between them. He pulled her closer capturing her lips in his again for a hungry kiss. At that moment, he vowed to find whoever it was that was threatening him because of her. There was no way; he was going to lose such an amazing woman because of an idiot.

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