So Babes, What's Your Wish?

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Samuel's POV

The room was just as he had remembered it.  The board was glued to the wall.  The highlighters sat on the table; black, red and blue. All have their purposes. The pictures and thread. Black, red and blue threads just like the highlighters.  Looking at it brought back memories of who he was. Who he had promised would remain in the past and now who he was going to be for now.  He looked back at the guys and they were all glued to their spots looking at the room as if it was the first time they were seeing it except for Mayor who was already dusting his seat. Well, Samuel couldn't blame him since the room was in his workshop.  He might have been there once or twice and that made him exclude himself from being wowed.

He sighed.  He couldn't believe he was doing this and all for a lady he barely knew that much about. But, the Lola he had been talking to was so interesting.  And that's why he was doing this for her and he would try to set her up with Mayor.  They would make a perfect match for one another. If only he hadn't promised himself not to take another wife after Lara.   

"Are you sure of this?" Akin asked with a raised brow. Samuel smiled and nodded his head.  He hadn't been sure of a lot of things after Lara's death but he was certain he wanted to do this for Lola.  If he was given more time to think about it, he was certain his response would be the same.  He was going to find whoever was sending him those threats and let them understand that some people are not meant to be threatened.   

Akin moved closer to him and gave him a pat on the back, "Then there is no going back.  Let's do this."

Soon they were all seated on their chairs.  Samuel was at the head of the chair as their leader and Mayor was right beside him as the leader's right-hand man.  Regardless of the post and positions. They regarded themselves as equals because everyone has different talents and everything was useful to them, without the help of one it would have been impossible for them to achieve what they have. 

Lekan pulled out his laptop and set it down making sure to hide their location.  He also connected it to the printer.  Lekan was the computer guru among them. He studied computer science and had always been obsessed with tweaking a computer head and all that.  So, he was always in charge of anything they needed to do online. 

Akin.  He could be could the evil genius.  Whenever they were discussing or doing things, he was mostly quiet.  Quiet to the point that they thought he wasn't listening to them but in the end, he was the one who mostly bring out the ideas they needed.  He dropped the idea on them like a bomb.  That's another reason Samuel is having thoughts that he was going through some much deeper shit.  Shits he couldn't explain to the guys regardless of how close they were.

Ibrahim.  He works in the field.  If they needed to invade someone's house or they needed information they couldn't find online.  He was their man.  He communicate easily with people and no one would believe that he was a spy with how friendly he was.

Junior Boy.  He was the one with the connections.  Sometimes he irritates the hell out of Samuel but his connections are superb that he was very important to the group.  If they needed things in higher places and they couldn't be fetched easily by Ibrahim.  They mostly relied on Junior Boy connections to fetch them the right information.

Mayor was of course the right hand of the leader.  And due to his success in the fashion industry, he mostly funds all of their projects.  He wasn't rich to Lola's extent but their project had never needed that much money before.

While Samuel was the leader and founder of the group.   Together they could achieve anything they aim for.  And at that moment, finding out who was threatening him was their aim.  It was a small project that only Lekan would do but they needed the group presence for everything.

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