Almost Insane

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Samuel's POV

"I hate this." He said as he watched Lola follow the homeless-looking guy. "I'm following them. It's dangerous leaving her all by herself." He started following them, but Dan stepped in front of him.

"They are guards outside. They're professionals. There's nothing he can do to her, and the media are all here."

Samuel's eyes moved to the media; they were all busy interviewing the guests. No one was paying attention to Lola or the guy. And he didn't care for the media. He wanted to protect his woman by himself. "But... you know the reason for this gathering. I don't feel like leaving her. I'll watch them from afar. I'm following, and no one will stop me." He glared at Dan.

Dan nodded, stepping aside. He had informed the guards outside about the situation, so he felt at ease. He knew the level of professionals he had hired. They all stared at Sam, knowing they couldn't stop him; he looked determined and would always find another reason to go after her. The others sighed while Dan made an excuse; he planned to monitor them through the CCTV.

When Samuel left the hall, he couldn't see them; they had taken a turn. He bit his lips, hating that he was too slow to get to them. As long as he could see their back, he would be okay. So, he started walking faster, and that was when he saw the homeless guy being too close to her. Lola looked uncomfortable as she kept waving her hands and legs like she was struggling, but what was more strange was the guys watching him mishandle her instead of helping her out. They didn't look like the guards they had employed. Their uniform was different; it looked black with a weird picture. He wasn't interested in their attire and didn't pay attention to it. His focus was all on getting to Lola.

So, Samuel started running towards them, but one of the strange guys got to him first and pinned him down. The homeless guy had carried Lola on his shoulder and started running towards the exit. Samuel tried to get the guard off him; he pulled his strength and tried using all he had, but the guy seemed like a professional in situations like this. He kept guarding every one of his attacks. After what seemed like an eon, he heard steps behind them; the guy left him and started running towards the exit. Samuel jumped on his feet and ran after the guy. He saw their guards lying on the floor, probably unconscious or dead, but he didn't check. He ran after the guy that jumped into a moving car and closed off. He ran after the moving car until he couldn't run anymore. The mansion felt like a distance behind him.

His leg muscles hurt, yet he crawled after the car that he couldn't see anymore. All he knew was he needed to get to Lola. Lola was in that car, and he had failed her. He had promised to be by her side all day, and at the most critical moment, he had allowed her to leave with some homeless guy who turned out to be the stalker.

He sat on the floor, staring at the road the car had gone through. He sat there, losing a sense of his environment until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't bother to check who it was. He didn't care about that?

Lola was in that car.

The stalker had captured Lola.

And it was my fault. I failed to protect her; that was all he could think. He felt flashes in his eyes and heard people asking him questions, but he didn't respond or say a word. He kept staring into that distance. This was the second woman he had failed to protect in his life. He shouldn't have involved himself with her when he knew he couldn't protect her.

It wasn't until he heard Rachael's voice that he blinked out of his daze. Rachael's eyes were red, and tears streamed down her face. The only thing she said was his name, and then she hugged him. She knelt in front of him, pulling him closer to her. Her tears dropped on his shoulder. He saw more flashes and heard Dan pushing the journalist away. Someone assisted him up. Whoever it was, he didn't notice it until they were again in the mansion.

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