Seyi's Judgement

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Lola's POV

She soaked herself in a tub of hot water, willing to wash away every scent of Seyi. Samuel had filled the tub with fragrant and had wanted to wash her, himself, but with his friends waiting downstairs, he abandoned that thought.

Lola would have loved to start the meeting with them, but her clothes felt disgusting. She had spent minutes in front of her mirror brushing her teeth. Now, she relaxed in the tub, washing every part of her. She didn't want to think of Seyi's plan for her. He had planned to stow away with her early that morning. If Samuel and Dan hadn't arrived, she might be in the luggage part of a ship now leaving the country. The thoughts alone brought more goosebumps to her skin.

She knew everyone was waiting for her downstairs; Laura and Rachael had attached themselves to her when she returned. It had taken a lot of convincing to pull Rachael off her. And since then, she had sat in the tub wishing she could peel every part Seyi had touched with his filthy mouth and changed it.

Satisfied with her new scent, she left the tub and changed into something comfy. Not wanting to continue keeping people waiting for her, she moved to the sitting room. The rest of the guys were back, too, including Tomi. They had arrested Seyi's men but didn't tell the police they knew where Seyi was, although they must have felt it was Samuel's handwork. So, they had come to his place after leaving the police station.

Akin sat at the corner of the room, his eyes trained on Seyi. Dan stood beside him, pointing a gun at his head; maybe he was afraid Seyi could attempt something regardless of the fact that he was tied down. The rest of the guys avoided getting closer to him. Seyi, himself, was tied in his hand and leg and lay on the floor like some homeless man. Anyone who walked in would doubt he was the same Tech guru. His legs were no longer bleeding, but he looked tired.

The moment he saw Lola come in, he tried to sit up, but Dan slid him down back, making him peek at Lola from the part of his eyelashes. He knew he was surrounded, but there was no way he would give up on what he wanted so badly, so easily.

Lola moved to Samuel, her eyes trained on Seyi. He didn't hide but followed every of her step. Samuel had made sure Laura and Rachael remained inside; it was against Laura's wish, but who would make sure Rachael didn't try to come downstairs?

She eyed Seyi, "What are we going to do about him?"

Tomi sat up as if he had been waiting for the question, "Nothing. We're going to hand him over to the police. He would be an example and people would know that the government is actually working."

Junior boy snickered, making head turn his way. When he saw the look on others' faces, he raised his hand in surrender, "I didn't say anything."

Tomi continued like nothing happened, "The police already arrested his men. Sooner or later they would find out what happened to Seyi. So, instead of putting yourself in more trouble trying to handle him yourself; its better you hand him over to the police."

Lekan sighed, "I get your point, but what's the assurance the police won't release him. There is no justice in this country."

Tomi didn't back down, "I'm make sure Lola gets justice."

Junior boy responded, "What if we hand him over and the police released him tomorrow? Are we not going to be in trouble? I mean, look at the way he's looking at us."

Seyi wasn't looking at any of them; his eyes were focused on Samuel's hand at the back of Lola's waist.

Ibrahim snorted, "He's his focused on other things. Not us. Why don't we ask Lola what she wasn't to do with him? We will respect her opinion since she's the victim."

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