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Samuel's POV

"What do we need to take this guy down?" She asked.

Akin nodded; as if he had been waiting for that question. "It's not going to be easy since our man wanted nothing more than to be hidden, but we need to bring him out. We need him to come out from whatever hole he is hiding."

Dan, who had positioned himself in one of the seats nodded. "Yes, I agree with..." He trailed off as he had no idea who Akin was.

"Akin." Lola completed.

He nodded, "Yes, I agree with Akin. I have dealt with this sort of people before and it isn't because they so much love the person they are stalking. If he had been going on this for a long time, like I guess he had been, then he could get bored easily anytime, and decide to dispose of his plaything, or find something or someone else to attract him."

Everyone stared at him. Samuel held his fist tight, "Are you trying to say there is a possibility that he might want to kill Lola too?"

Dan nodded, "If he suddenly feels that he is tired of her. But, they don't let go of their prey completely. If they can't have what they want, no one can."

Lola frowned, "I am not his property."

Dan shifted on his heel. Samuel could see the hesitation in his step. Maybe, he didn't want Lola here, but he wasn't going to send her out when whatever this was concerned her than anyone else. Plus, Lola wasn't like other women, she was strong.

"Do you have any idea who this guy might be?" Mayor asked. His question was directed to Dan.

Dan shuffled; and looked at Lola as if he was awaiting approval. It wasn't until Lola gave him a nod before he started speaking. "Not long again, we went out to some kind of charity for an orphanage. It's hosted by wealthy people and it's strictly by invitation. Because of the kind of people coming over, the security over there was strong. So, we knew just nobody would be there, but, out of these guests, someone sent my boss her picture. A picture of her just a few minutes ago, but when I searched, there was no one there." He bent his head in shame. "But, at that moment I knew that whoever was stalking her was part of the guest."

Lekan smirked, "Can we get this guest list maybe we can find something on them that will give us a clue on who it might be?"

Dan blinked at him.

Samuel almost laughed at that. "Sorry, Dan. Lekan here is a computer guru and a hacker. If there is a way he could get some information about them. He might be able to do something about it."

This time, it was Lola who was staring at him strangely like she hadn't seen him before. Not that Samuel could blame her. This was a different part of him that only a few people get to see. It was a part of him he had completely locked up until her.

Not bothering to hide her surprise with her usual curiosity, she asked. "What are you guys?"

His gaze moved slowly to his friends; none of them uttered a word and looked at him. He hated speaking on this, but if he wanted Lola's full trust he would need to explain things to her.

"We are friends. We are family. We have always got each other back. Honestly, we don't have a particular name as we have never seen the need to name our group. It was something that we started when one of us was in danger. We combined our individual gifts, talents, and connections to help ourselves out of danger. Although fighting for ourselves put us in more danger than it relieved us, we still wanted to do something rather than put it in the hands of fate. So, we started that way."

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