First Invitee

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Lola's POV

Lola had never seen Dan be so careful. She watched him watch out for every car behind or in front of them; his eyes were always on the mirror, and if some car lingered too long beside them, he cursed the driver out. It was as if she was in a movie where the character was being careful of what was not after them.

Annoyed, Lola frowned at him, "Can you actually drive like you are driving or do I need to drive this thing myself."

With his eyes still fixed on the mirror, he pressed the accelerator but Lola didn't see much difference. She knew nothing she said would change Dan's mind, so she kept mute and relaxed while he drove them to the first invitee's house.

The journey was less stressful with her laying down while Dan drove, and if she wanted to be honest with herself, she felt more at ease with Dan accompanying her than she would like to admit. It gave her some sort of peace knowing there was someone who would fight for her in case anything happened. She had no idea when she dozed off. The next thing she knew was that Dan woke her up.

She stretched while Dan pretended as if he hadn't just woken her up. "We are opposite Mrs. Badejo's building?"

She nodded, "That's great. Drive in. We still have to go to another place before going back home. I don't know why you insisted on following me, but I am not going anywhere dangerous."

Dan didn't say a word but drove off. The moment they got to the gate, a security man stopped them. Dan lowered the car's window and greeted the security with a smile. They both exchanged words that were starting to get on Lola's nerves, but before she could say a word, the security man passed them through.

To anyone the apartment might be extravagant; the building stood tall with a beautiful garden in front of it, but she knew it was one of the Badejo's vacation homes, and it was where she had promised she was going to be that day. Thankfully, it was not at their mansion where there were more people, Lola was glad to be able to avoid most of the unnecessary crowd.

Funmi Badejo was seated in the living room sipping from a glass cup when one of her bodyguards escorted Lola into the room. Dan wasn't far behind her.

She stood up to share a hug with her, while the bodyguard took a position behind her, Lola almost rolled her eyes, but that would have only made her a hypocrite as Dan was right behind her too.

"I wanted to say a Long time, but it hadn't been that long since we last met," Funmi said. Funmi was a short lady who talked big for someone short. She was known to follow through with threats whenever she issued one, and she easily saw everyone around her as s threat. It might have been the reason she became the owner of Bhard's Real Estate Company at a young age, and regardless of the fact that she was married, she maintained her maiden name instead of her husband's surname.

"Yes, but you know I wouldn't have come if there wasn't a good reason."

She narrowed her eyes at Lola, "Yeah. I heard about the program you planned to host in your mansion. I seriously don't see the sudden need to host such a program for the children, unless there is a take. We all know that Lola Makinde won't do something unless she has something to gain in return."

Lola smiled, it was true, and it hadn't changed. She still has something to gain from hosting the program. "I simply want to help the less privileged. Is that so hard to believe?"

Funmi tsked, "I wouldn't do you any good to try acting smart with me. If there is some sort of hidden schedule, you can let me know. I promise I won't tell the others." Her eyes moved to Dan as if she was trying to gauge him. I know Dan would never let anything slip, so I relaxed, crossed my legs, and folded my hand on it.

"Is it that bad that you refused to entertain me or do you want me out of your house as soon as possible? For some reason, I don't feel welcome."

She muttered something Lola couldn't hear and beckoned to the guard behind her. Lola watched her gave him some instructions, and soon the guy was gone. "Sorry, I get carried away whenever I am discussing business."

Lola smirked, "It's quite unfortunate that I didn't come here for business purposes, but if you think of it in a way, this will be good publicity for your business. I am inviting lots of media personalities."

Just then, a lady dressed that barely covers her tight came out carrying a glass of wine and a glass cup. She brought a small table and placed them on it. Without another word, she turned around shaking her behind excessively.

She continued as if she didn't see the girl, "Will there be some sort of connection party after this whole thing? I don't see the reason I have to spare my time and still come up with a speech if there is nothing for me to gain."

Lola stared at the drink but didn't pick it up. She should have known most of them would think this way; it was close to the way she thought too. If there was nothing in it for them, nothing would make them honor her invitation. "There would be an after-party."

Although it was only going to be possible if she didn't find the stalker, there was no way an after-party was going to hold when they would be dealing with criminals, but Funmi didn't know that.

Finally, she relaxed and smiled at Lola – this time genuinely. "I guess I will be available for this program then."

Lola nodded and picked up the drink. She took a little sip of it, "It would be my honor to host you."

She had never held a friendly relationship with her, so she had no idea what else to discuss with Funmi. After a while, she shook hands with her and gave her the invitation card they had hastily produced for the occasion. Funmi smiled at it and ushered them out of her house.

The moment they got to the car, Lola let out a deep breath. "I am glad we are done with that. I don't know why she sees an opportunity to help others as a business. I swear that woman doesn't think of anything other than business."

Dan turned towards her and smiled, but he didn't say a word. That seemed to annoy Lola as she shouted, "What?"

Dan raised his hands up innocently, "I didn't say a word, ma."

"Your eyes said it." She countered.

For the first time in weeks, Dan loosened up and laughed, "You can't be serious, ma. I am innocent here."

She hit him on the chest but ended up with the pain. What does the guy eat to have such strong bones? She wondered while massaging her hand. "Just shut up and move to the next location. I can't believe I am spending my day this way."

The lingering smile left on his lips was quickly replaced with a frown, "Where to now, ma?"

"We are going to the governor's son's house?"

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