Stalker or Murderer

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Lola's POV

She was getting bored and tired of entertaining herself with her phone while she waited. Lola sat in a secluded area of the eatery. She had been waiting for about an hour, but there was no sign of Dan or the man she had ordered him to arrange a meeting with. Yet, she sat there quietly going through the news on her phone.

Sometimes, she was amazed by the number of things happening simultaneously in the country, especially when half of the news had to do with negative news. She couldn't help but think if her issue was going to be in the news once she was done solving it. Of course, if the news reporter caught a wimp of what she was going through, they would hang on to it until they milk all the information dry. She was certain they would add theirs and also change some of it to suit their company's taste and for marketing's sake.

It was another reason she had decided to meet him in this secluded part of an eatery. The fact that the eatery also prohibits reporters from coming in and out like they wanted to help her purpose.

Her hand hitched so much that she was tempted to call Dan about his where about, but she kept telling herself to calm down. She was going to find all she needed from this person, all she had to do was stay calm.

The bell on the eatery door rang, and Lola almost jumped up to check who it was but composed herself while waiting. For someone like her, each of her activities was breaking news to the reporter. She bet it would be something like, Billionaire jumping in excitement after seeing a lover in an eatery. She shook her head not ready to deal with gossip issues.

But when she saw Dan standing alone in front of her, she glanced at his back to see if there was any other person coming. There was no one behind Dan. Lola dropped her glass cup and fixed her gaze on Dan, "Where is he?"

He looked behind as if he was expecting someone to pop up from nowhere, and leaned closer to Lola to whisper. "He is dead, ma."

Lola's hand shook before she dropped the glass cup on the table. She looked at Dan willing him to tell her it was a lie, but he only blinked and stand straight with his hands behind his back. "What happened?" she asked after controlling her breath for a while.

"He was found in his apartment with his throat cut."

Lola could hardly swallow her saliva, and her heartbeat increased suddenly. She gazed around frantically, suddenly feeling more scared than before. "Does this mean he was murdered?"

Dan nodded.

"But, why?" She questioned. Although, her mind kept telling her she knew the reason. Yet, she was willing to doubt it. They were just dealing with a stalker here, not a murderer. Moreover, Dave was her ex, not her boyfriend. What would her stalker have to do with him?"

"The police are handling the case. They promised that the murdered would be brought to justice soon."

Lola leveled her gaze at him. "Seriously; the police are going to solve this case. Am I supposed to believe that? Are you sure they won't just blame some innocent person here?" She paused and pinched her nose. She never signed up for this. Why did he have to die the moment she was looking for him? "You know what, Dan? I want you to follow this case up. I need to know what's going on. I need to know if this was some sort of coincidence or if we are dealing with a murderer here."

Dan nodded.

If this guy can go killing people without being caught easily, she hoped Samuel was alright. Was he threatening, Samuel? She picked up her phone and called Samuel. Every second he wasn't picking up seemed like forever to her. Her fingernails continued tapping on the table slowly in a rhythm that matched the beeping of the phone. The moment the ringing stopped and he didn't pick up; she let out a loud curse which draws some attention to them.

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