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Samuel's POV

"Have you been receiving any strange messages?" Lola asked, her eyes wide, and moved around as if she could get her response from staring at him too much.

Samuel remained quiet; what had she heard or seen to make her question him? Did the guy also send messages to Lola? He held her hand trying to assure her that he was okay, but Lola was more eager than him. She held him with a tight fist that almost left a bruise on his hand. "I am serious, Samuel. You have to tell me now if you are receiving strange messages or if you have ever received strange messages."

He could tell that she was worried about him, but burdening a woman with such responsibility was never part of his attitude. "I am fine, Lola. If I receive any strange messages, you will be the first to know. I promise." He forced a smile knowing he was lying to the woman he was gradually falling for.

Lola let out a sigh of relief. "You promised." She finally let go of his hand and relaxed on the chair. "Can I have that cup of water now?"

He chuckled but stood up to get her the water. The moment he opened the door, he saw Lola's bodyguard guiding the door, and he narrowed his eyes at him. There was surely something wrong. Something bad must have happened. Instead of going to get the water as he had planned, he stopped in front of the guard. "Can I have a minute with you?"

The guard looked around reluctant to leave the door, but after a while, he nodded.

He followed Samuel to a secluded part of the hotel and waited for him to say whatever he had in mind.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Dan frowned; he knew what he was asking, but it wasn't in his place to tell Samuel anything. The only person he was loyal to was Lola, and that wasn't about to change. "Sir, I think it's best you talk with my boss. I have nothing to say."

Stubborn and loyal; Samuel had met people like this and he knew nothing would make him speak, so he nodded, and patted his back. "Thanks for your time and thanks for protecting her." He walked away from him.

Dan stared at the man who was becoming the most important thing in his boss's life. If his boss's stalker was murdered, then he might also need to assign guards to him. He sighed.

Already spent lots of time on the way, Samuel walked faster to the water dispenser. When he got back to the conference room, Lola was standing by the window; her back was rigid, but he couldn't see the look on her face.

He moved slowly behind her and handed the water to her. "Your cup of water Milady." He wrapped his hand slowly around her waist making her rest against his chest.

"Thank you." She responded.

They both stared outside the window, looking at the cars moving to their destination, and the people walking about. Lola sighed against his chest. "I have a silly question to ask, Sam. Don't judge it."

He smiled against her back, flipping her hair to the top of her ear, so he could speak directly into her ear. "I will never judge you, Lola. You can ask me anything; stupid, senseless, foolish, and awesome questions. I will be your listening ears."

She nodded, "I always wondered how we are supposed to recognize the good from the bad."

There was something heavy on her mind, but Samuel couldn't pinpoint it. Does it have to do with the messages he had been receiving? Could Ibrahim have been right that her exes might have received the same messages he was currently receiving?

Yet, he focused on the road while he answered her question, "I think there is a thin line between good and bad. There is no distinction between who is good and who is bad. It's all a matter of situation and circumstances. The person that seems so good to you might be bad to someone else and the person you perceive as evil might be the best thing that ever happened to another. It's all on perception."

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