I Think He Is After Us

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Lola's POV

She had only spent a day with them and she already knew Samuel was trying not to get too close to her.  She could feel that he was enjoying the conversation that had earlier this morning, but all of a sudden he wanted to introduce her to his friend. 

As if, she was going to allow that.  She was already late in this marriage business, so she would choose a partner that suited her and not one someone introduced to her.  She had liked Samuel from the first day she met him and he was available.  She was going to give this her best and if it didn't work out, then she would move on with her life.  It was as easy as that.  Only that, it didn't feel all that easy with him making it difficult.  

She only had to top up her move for tomorrow's date.  She smiled at her mirror in the guest room.  To say she missed her house was an understatement.  She had to do a lot of things herself here and she felt naked without her guards trailing after her.   But, a woman got to do what a woman got to do.  She would make sure that her aunts won't be able to say anything at the wedding.  Anything like, it's because she is an independent woman, that's why she can't have a man of her own.  She was going to prove them all wrong. 

The guest room looked nice. Although the bed wasn't as big as hers, where she could turn in whatever direction she liked.  It was comfortable. And thankfully, the bathroom was indoor, which made it easy for her to get dressed or shower when the heat hit her. There was no air conditioner in the room, so she had to sleep naked. 

But, who was complaining?  It was all for the greater good.  

She did some work on her laptop and was on a call with Feyi till 3:00 am, yet, she was the first to wake up in the morning.  She could tell from the silence in the house when she walked down to the kitchen.  

There was this old adage that says, the best way to a man's heart is through the stomach.  She was going to make Samuel love and miss her dishes.  Today, she decided to cook yam and egg, after seeing how early Samuel had gone to work yesterday. She decided to start the dishes immediately. Leaving Tola out of it today.  

She was cutting the yam when she heard footsteps on the stairs.  She left the yam, wipe her hand on a towel, and went to check the ghost that was moving in the house.   She was surprised to meet a yawning Samuel.   The guy already looks so good early in the morning.   

She smiled at him, "Good morning."

His eyes widened in shock as if he was surprised to see her there, "What are you doing down so early?" it was punctuated with a yawn. "Or are you not comfortable in the room?" 

She made a show of shaking her head. "I am alright, just preparing breakfast." She started walking back to the kitchen and he followed behind her.   

When he saw the yam on the floor he looked back at her. "I already told you.  You don't need to stress yourself doing things like this.  Tola or Mimi can do that."  he looked around the kitchen as if searching for someone, "and you are alone.  Where is Tola and why isn't she helping you?" 

I sighed, this guy sure has a lot to say on just cooking. "I decided to do this all alone."

"Are you kidding me?" he did not wait for a response before he continued, "wait, I will go and call Tola now." 

She stopped him before he could move further, "Don't bother her.  It's just yam and egg, I got this."

"No, I will prefer that someone assist you." 

An imaginary bulb took residence on my head, "Then why don't you help me."

He smiled and I almost melt inside.   For some strange reason, I was finding his company more interesting than I ever did with any of my ex. 

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