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Just because I missed Lola Makinde, I'm going with her POV this time.

Lola's POV

Her eyes felt heavy, like she had been asleep for a long time, and her body ached. Slowly, Lola opened her eyes to see herself in a sitting position. Her hands were behind her, and when she tried to move it, it was impossible; it was tied behind her. She jogged her memory on what had happened, frowning when she remembered Seyi was the stalker.

This must be where he had decided to hold her captive.

Her gaze moved slowly around the room; it wasn't what she had expected. The room was fully furnished with all the necessary furniture, like a five-star hotel. She had been expecting a warehouse or some kind of uncompleted building. Did he bring her to his house?

Lola shook her head. There was no way Seyi would bring her home; it would be the first place anyone would check since everyone knew he was the one who kidnapped her. Her mind went to Rachael and Sam; she hoped they were both fine. As long as they were fine, she was okay with it. She had been the one to bring them into this trouble, and she should be the one to solve it. 

She wriggled her hand behind, trying to remove her hand from the rope that secured it behind her. Her eyes moved around to see if there was anything that could help her, but the room was spotless. The bed was neatly spread, the floor was neat, and everything seemed tidy, like it was prepared for a guest.

She dragged the chair she was tied on forward; it wasn't easy, as she tried not to make any sound while dragging the chair, but the chair made little scratches against the tiles. Lola frowned. She needed to get rid of the rope behind her before Seyi got back. She was making some progress when the door suddenly opened.

Seyi walked in, holding a bottle of wine and two glass cups. He wore a vintage shirt with a short. His hair was properly combed now, making Lola think how long she had been asleep.

When his eyes moved to her chair, a wide grin appeared on his lips, "What're you doing?"

She glared at him. She had no interest in discussing it with him.

Seyi chuckled as if he could read her mind. He dropped the cups on a table and opened the wine. "I'm in a good mood, today. I feel like it calls for celebration. What do you think?"


The smile didn't wane on his lips. He picked up his glass and sipped out of the wine, watching Lola with narrowed eyes, "I guess you must be hungry too; how about a sip of wine too?"

She stared at him in disbelief. Had he forgotten he had tied her hand behind or what? Seyi picked up the other wine, pointing it to her. Then, suddenly, he started laughing. Lola could only stare at the guy she had always considered a friend.

"Sorry, my bad. I don forget say you no fit hold anything for now." He drank the wine and moved closer to her, his mouth still full of the wine. He tilted his head to meet Lola's. His mouth almost met Lola, but she held her mouth together, glaring at him. Seyi held her head in place and forced his mouth on hers.

Yet, she didn't open her mouth, making the wine spill all over her body. Annoyed, Seyi stood up and slapped her. Lola didn't scream or shout; she bit her lips hard, her eyes wet with unshed tears.

"You can kiss that thing, but you don't want to kiss me." He held her cheeks, opened her mouth, and forced her to kiss him. Lola tried to hold back, but he was stronger than her; instead, she bit his lips hard, making him tap out and want to pull out. But she didn't leave his lips until she tasted his blood in her mouth. Satisfied, she grinned at the look of horror on his face.

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