Other's Happiness

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Samuel's POV

"Tell me everything. Don't you dare leave anything out?" Mayor closed his sketchbook focusing on Samuel who leaned on his chair as relieved as he could be. With no debt hanging on his head and a loving girlfriend that filled his stomach every morning with delicious delicacies, his life had never been better before.

"I thought it's female pals that love to gist and gossip. Why are you like this Mayor?" He teased, his eyes dancing with a joke.

Mayor rolled his eyes, "I don't understand why everything has to be divided based on gender. That's why some people are still surprised that a man can become a wonderful fashionista. Some things just don't make sense at all." He moved to sit next to Samuel. "Now tell me. How did you convince the amazing Lola Makinde to become your girlfriend?"

Samuel didn't think he had done any convincing. The moment he said it, she was all for it. Maybe, she had been serious when she asked to become his Mrs. Yet, it was funny, anytime he thinks about it. How could a woman be that forward? But, it was part of what made her so charming.

"I will tell you if you tell me what's happening in your love life. I can't be the only one with interesting stories, while you slave yourself away on fashion."

Mayor sighed. "You know my view on marriage. I don't think I can trust women anymore. I feel more comfortable alone."

"My view was worst than yours, but see me now. I never thought there would be another lady out there that will bring me happiness the way Lara did."

"Okay. I will try. I will try to give ladies a chance. But there is no lady for now."

"Why isn't there any lady? There is Laura. Lola's friend; she is beautiful and now she is learning make-up or something like that. Isn't that necessary for your modeling stuff? You guys have something in common."

Mayor groaned. "Hell, no! I will rather any woman that's not Laura."

Samuel smiled. It takes a lot to have something to tease Mayor about. Now that he had found something, there was no way he would let it go. It was time to revenge the limitless times he had teased him too. "I can feel the chemistry between you guys. Let me set you up with her."

Mayor eyed him. "Chemistry nko. Physics ni. You are trying a recipe for disaster. It will be best if you let us be individually."

"I won't. You deserve a nice and honest lady, and I feel Laura will do it for you."

"Why are we talking about me and Laura here? You are supposed to gist me on how Lola Makinde become your girlfriend. And how it feels to be dating a billionaire."

Samuel smiled, "You sound like Ibrahim. This is the kind of question he would have asked me."

"Yea, but I am curious. I know you don't care because of the money, but just imagine the perks of having first access to someone with such wealth."

Samuel snorted. "I'm thinking of returning the money she gave me for the hotel. Once the hotel starts making profits again, I will return the money to her."

Mayor stared at him like he was insane. "Did she ask you to return the money to her?"

"No, but that was based on the contract. We are dating now, Mayor. I can't be spending my woman's money like that. I should be the one spending on her, Mayor."

"Not when the said woman has enough money, and she doesn't even care about the money you collected from her. I am sure; she did not even miss the money in any way."

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