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Samuel's POV

People thought money cures everything. When you have money, to them you have everything there is to have. But, that is not true. Not true in the tiniest sense. Money cures only your financial problems. It doesn't cure your mental problems, spiritual problems and every other problem. It can only aid in making the problems easier and not actually cures them.

Sitting next to Lola as she was being interrogated by the detectives only proved that she was human and not the beast she was portrayed as. She might be wearing no expression on her face but her hands fidgeting beneath expressed something else.

The moment the detectives and her lawyer left. We also rode to her house. She introduced him to her workers as her boyfriend and he immediately felt the kind of authority that comes with having lots of people bowing for him.

He had workers. He had maids. He had gatemen but they were not up to what Lola had acquired for herself. Truthfully, she was doing well financially.

They were just settling down when Lola's phone rang. She frowned.

"My mother," She said.

He had no idea what to say, so he said okay. He was expecting her to excuse herself to receive the call but she picked it up right in his presence. He couldn't hear what the other person was saying but all Lola said was Yes, Yes ma, No, No ma, Okay ma. Then, "She wants to speak with you."

He was shocked, "Me, why?" he whispered.

"Because you are my boyfriend." She whispered back and pushed the phone toward him. He picked it up with a shaking voice. Fake or not, he did not like talking with the in-laws. His previous in-law were strict, they hated him and had given him tough time especially when Lara died, so he avoided parent all the more.

"Good afternoon, ma."

Her voice was vibrant, "Good afternoon, omo daadaa. How are you?"

"Fine, ma"

"Don't call me, ma. Call me Mother. I have always wanted to have a son but I wasn't destined to. I have been expecting Lara to marry, so I can finally have a son of my own but the girl wouldn't budge. I am glad you are now in her life, Samuel."

He looked at Lara but she shrugged. Her mother wasn't done, "She says you guys are serious. So, when should I be expecting the wedding."

Samuel coughed and removed the phone from his ears, "What the hell?" He whispered to Lara.

"What?" She whispered back.

He put the phone on loud speaker, "Sorry, ma. I could not hear you."

Her mother repeated herself, "I said, when should I be expecting the wedding."

Lola's eyes were wide. Samuel eyed her before replying, "We are taking it slow, ma."

"What slow? She is already old and I want to see my grandchildren. If it's about money, she has it, so don't think of anything and pick the date fast unless you don't love her. Don't you love my daughter?"

Lola covered her hand with her mouth probably shocked too. Samuel was scratching his ear, "I do, ma."

"Then everything is fine, my son. Next time I call I want to hear the date, ehn. Greet your wife for me." Then she hung up.

He was speechless. He opened his mouth and then closed it. Opened and closed it again.

"What was that?"

"That was my mother?" She was laughing now.

"It is not funny."

She laughed harder clutching her stomach, "Your expression is funny. I understand you. I always have that expression whenever I speak with her."

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