When will this contract end?

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Samuel's POV

"Any update"

The guys were seated in the room, all staring at the board which was full of words; mostly ideas from each of them.

"What do you think? If the guy did not make a move, there is nothing we can do.  Plus, we need to know if he is getting in touch with Lola or not.  That alone will change all the game." Akin said relaxing on his chair as if nothing else matters.

Lekan was busy with the system. "As you can see there is nothing new to use to track this person. And it has only been two days.  I think we should give it more time."

Samuel sighed.  He knew it was two days but every moment spent with Lola was dangerously delicious to him.  The more he was getting to know her, the more difficult he felt it would be to leave her once all this is over. 

"I think Lola is also getting messages from him.  Maybe not a threat.". He tsked.  " He might be someone Lola knows, maybe her ex or something."

Junior boy smirked, "Just say you want to have details on your gf ex.  smart guy."

Samuel glared at him. "Don't you know when to be serious?  We are discussing something that could be life-threatening and all you can say is that."

"Guys, don't let us argue on this.  I can see a valid point from Samuel's view.  So, let's all brainstorm." Akin finally stood up from his chair moving to the board.

The rest sat back like students about to receive lectures while Akin opened the red marker.

"Let's ask ourselves first.  Who and why would anyone threaten someone's lover?"

"Probably they hate the person she is dating" Ibrahim spoke as if he had been expecting that question, then took a deep gulp from his beer. Akin opened the red marker and wrote down his point.

"Maybe the person did the same thing to them.  You know threaten their lover and this is the best way of revenge." Lekan chirped in.

Akin wrote that too.

"I think they just want the person to be single for life.  Humans can be so funny and Lola is a billionaire.  If she is not in a relationship, she will have no heir and if she has no heir. This particular person might be the next in line to the company." Mayor smiled.

Akin wrote that down too.  Then, the argument started. Samuel supported what Mayor said because it was a fresh angle and people will do anything to own a billion naira company.  It was also the least expecting way to tackle a billionaire.

"How do we know if her ex's also received text like this or it's just Samuel that receive the special text from this guy," Ibrahim said after a gulp.

"That's a valid point." Akin wrote it down again.  "So this is all our thoughts for now and since we are too eager and can't wait for the next text from this guy. I think it's best we find some of her exes and know if they experienced the same thing."

Everyone nodded.

Akin brought at the blue marker, wrote out Find the ex and circled it. 

"I think we have a direction for now.  Ibrahim, you know what to do."

He nodded with a smirk.

Then they turned the board back while Mayowa went to bring more drinks for the guys.

"Let's forget all this serious stuff going on. So, how does it feel dating a billionaire." Samuel was surprised when Lekan asked him that.   Lekan had never been the curious type.  He had always been the type to stay silent even when he was eager to know about something.  Guess, he was too eager to know this.

"Well, it's nothing special.  It's just like dating any other normal girl..."

"Except you don't spend a dime. You don't need to spend on things like human hair, clothes and so on. You are so lucky." Ibrahim smiled sincerely for the first time. 

"...well, like I was saying. It's just like dating any other girl.  I spend for our date and Lola is mature, unlike those little ladies.  She is a woman and won't expect things like human hair and the likes of what Ibro just listed."

The sound of ooh was everywhere as the guy hailed him.

"Ehn ehn, I just remembered.  Lola wants to meet you all."

"When? Where?" Ibrahim was already on his feet.

"Guy, calm down Nah. No be today. You need to dey chill oh." Mayor said pulling him back to his seat.  "He just talk something and you don dey prepare already."

"Hey, old bachelor, you can't understand.  This is an opportunity for me to expand my connection.  He is talking about Lola Makinde. The third richest woman in the country.  Is it every day you see someone like that?"

The rest shook their head while they drank and tried to catch up with things around them.

The relationship between Samuel and Lola wasn't the only budding relationship bothering him but also her relationship with his daughter was alarming.  Whenever he returns home, She, Racheal and Laura were closely doing something together always. 

Now, they were all seated closely watching a movie.  Samuel smiled. He could get used to this.   Then he chided himself because although he knew it was all fake, he couldn't help but wish some part of it felt a bit real.  Lola could just stand up and confessed her love for him but wishes were not horses.

"Daddy." Racheal ran and hugged him.

After pleasantries were made. Samuel excused himself and also asked Lola to see him.  Lola wore a confused smile as she excused herself in their present following Samuel behind with a smile.

"Is there anything you want o talk to me about?" She asked. 

Samuel cleared his throat twice not knowing how to start the conversation about it.

"Huh.  I want to say..." He cleared his throat again

Lola tried giving him an encouraging smile.  "Just say it.  I won't be angry."

"When will this contract end?"

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