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Lola sat in front of her mirror, glancing at her white dress; it wasn't exactly what she would have wanted to wear for her wedding, but it was beautiful. Her big tummy made it look strange, but she was still beautiful. She believed she was more beautiful because of her stomach; their child lay in her stomach. It was not planned, but she became pregnant before they could conclude the marriage plan, and here she was.

She thought it was too late for her, but like the popular saying, delay does not mean denial. She was just delayed, not denied. Laura sat beside her while holding a hand fan; it would be bad if the bride's makeup washed off before the wedding.

Her mother walked in with a huge gele; her smile was indescribable, and Laura excused them. She moved closer to Lola and held her hand. "How do you feel?"

Lola chuckled, "Nervous."

Her mother smiled, "It's normal to be nervous. Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day. I wished your father was here to walk you down the aisle." A drop of tear dropped on Lola's hand.

Lola smiled, "Mummy, you don't need to cry. I am sure dad is glad wherever he is. I'm a successful C.E.O and here I am getting married. Who said a woman can't have a career and a home?"

Her mother wiped off the tears and faked a frown at her, "Are you throwing dice at me."

"No, mummy! I am not talking to you, oh."

But they both knew she was talking to her mother. They laughed it off. "Are you ready to see your husband?"

Lola nodded; Samuel was more than a husband to her; he was also a friend and now the father of her children, Rachael, and their unborn baby.

Her mother linked their hands and led her out of the bride's room. She smiled brightly as the door opened, and her eyes zeroed in on the man standing at the altar. The whole room's eyes were on her, but hers were just on one man. She had wanted just to get married, but she found a friend, a lover, a fighter, and a partner.

A week before their marriage, they had paid Seyi a visit at the home, and he was doing better. He had stopped looking at Lola like he wanted to swallow her whole. He talked about different things. He even asked about the welfare of his family. It was a great visit. He smiled when he saw Lola's big tummy, and asked for forgiveness.

Lola quickly forgave him; she believed he had suffered enough in the home. But she never regretted her decision.

As her mother handed her to Samuel, she hurried to her seat with her big gele and people laughing at her. There was no mistaking the bride's mother.

The pastor went into a small sermon about man and wife, but the couple barely listened; they were lost in each other site. Rachael sat beside Laura; she was the flower girl. They waited for the part where they were to say I do and the part where he was supposed to kiss the bride. The moment he kissed the bride, the congregation applauded them joyfully.

The congregation fell in to congratulate them; each of his friends had something to say to the couple with some advice.

When Lola threw the flower, it was Laura who caught it. She shared a look with Mayor, who smiled at her. He acted as the best man, so it was easy to communicate. Most of the people who congratulated her were people she didn't know, yet she remained smiling.

"Congratulations dear," Her aunty, who had claimed she would never see a husband, also congratulated her. Samuel held her hand tight, smiling at everyone.

After everyone had congratulated them and celebrated the couple.

The couple hugged Rachael, who would stay with Laura until they got back from their honeymoon. The black jeep had the sign just wedded, and they waved at the people who had celebrated with them.

When they were left with themselves, Lola asked, "Where are we going to?" Samuel had made sure the honeymoon was a surprise.

He chuckled, "You'll see."

She feigned a frown, "Can't you tell me now? You know I hate surprises."

Samuel nodded, "Sorry, Mrs Akinbowale, but you're in for a lifetime of surprises."

She tasted the sound of the name on her lips, "Mrs Lola Akinbowale."

Samuel smiled, "Yes oh. Mrs Akinbowale. I hope you're ready to be surprised."

Lola nodded. He continued driving until he stopped in front of a new building. He helped Lola down from the car, her eyes fixed on the small house. It wasn't as big as his house, but it looked nice – like a family house.

"Are we having our honeymoon here?"

He nodded, "This is my wedding gift for you. I want to start our lives afresh in a new house, but I wanted us alone for a while before bringing Rachael."

Lola gasped; she had no idea he was planning something like this. "This is beautiful, Sam."

She walked into the house, her gaze moving around. Samuel held her still before she tumbled from glancing around. "What did I see about surprising you? I'll continue to give you good surprises. I love you Lola Akinbowale."

Lola hugged him back, "I love you, Samuel Akinbowale.

Author's Note.

Okay, I fulfilled my promise. Thanks for reading Lola and Samuel's story. Thanks for your votes and comments. If it wasn't for you guys, I would have gotten tired.  

Look forward to my next book.  Thank you.

Becoming MrsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora