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Lola's POV

"Put that down, you're just distracting instead of helping out." Lekan shouted. Lola almost dropped the tray of food in her hand with the volume of his voice, and she wondered how Laura would feel. This was the first time she had heard Lekan scream. Somehow, she felt sorry for Lekan. Nothing had ever pissed him off, but apparently, messing with his tools could easily do that. Yet, she felt sorry for the receiver, Laura. She knew she just wanted to help and could go to extremes while trying to do that. Laura held some of the things he was using to tap the hall, all in the hope of helping with something.

Everyone had been busy, and Laura hadn't done a thing; she felt guilty about that. She just wanted to do something for her best friend, not messing this up, but she was obviously doing the opposite.

"Sorry," She whispered and moved back.

Mayor walked towards them, "Calm down, guy. You don't need to shout at her like that. She is just trying to help."

Lekan looked guilty – his gaze moved from Laura to Mayor. "I'm sorry, too. I guess I'm on the edge. I want this to be perfect and I keep feeling like I'll make a mistake that will get us discover."

Lola swallowed, moving forward with the tray of food. Two maids followed behind her, carrying similar trays. All this was for her. They all had their work and things to do, but they had all taken a day off to set up the hall she intended to use for her program.

Mayor led Laura away from Lekan to where he was sitting with Sam and Junior Boy.

"I think we should all take a break. I prepared something for us."

Ibrahim smirked, "These rich people sha. You prepared something or your chef prepared something. Anyways, I'm eager to see what wealthy people eat." He said it low, but Lola and everyone heard him clear.

"Ibro..." Mayor whispered, but he ignored him. and continued muttering.

Lola smiled, asking them to move to a makeshift table she had prepared earlier. She placed the food on the table and asked the maids to bring the rest. "Actually, I prepared this myself. After what everyone has been doing for me, the least I can do is to prepare food for you all."

Mayor smiled at Ibrahim, who was suddenly quiet.

After the table had been set, they all gathered around it. The meal was simple: fried rice, assorted meat, and cold, refreshing juice. They were quiet until Akin asked, "How do you feel?"

They all knew who the question was directed at. Lola smiled at him. She barely conversed with Akin, and he seemed like the most reserved of Samuel's friends, so she was a bit surprised he had asked her that first. "I think I'll be fine."

Samuel held her hand and squeezed it, making her turn to him with a smile. Having them with her was an assurance to her. If she was alone, it might have been harder to deal with. Yet, having their support scares her, knowing she's putting them all in danger.

"Guys, don't let us talk about that today. We'll deal with it tomorrow, and I'm sure we'll succeed." Laura chirped in with a smile.

Lola could easily tell that she was happy to contribute.

"Why don't I take you guys on a tour around my mansion?"

"Maybe when I'm done with my work, I still have a lot to do." Lekan said, his eyes moving to his workspace.

Lola frowned, "Maybe I should stay with you then."

He shook his head, "No. No. No. It's fine. I'll prefer the silence. You can take the rest on a tour. I can get a second hand tour from my friends later." Lola wanted to argue, but he smiled at her. Samuel linked his hand to hers and nodded at her. She understood the message and thanked Lekan.

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