Twenty-Three - Incoming Mother

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"Are you guys an item now?" Laura shouted the moment Lola told her about Samuel's proposal at the wedding. "As in it's no more just contract, but for real. Like you guys are a real couple."

Lola shushed her, "Keep it down, Laura. Rachael had no idea we used to be fake, so I don't want her to hear that we are real. To her, I have always been her father's girlfriend."

Laura cooed, "That's so sweet, Lola. I am really happy for you."

"I know right? I think it's going to be different this time around. Samuel is different from the kind of guys I have always dated."

"I think so, too."

"So, are we going to move back to your mansion now that you have achieved your goal?"

"Are you kidding me? I am not moving back oh. This is the time I need to settle here better. I want this relationship to work, and I will give it all my best."

At that moment, her phone beeped distracting her from completing her thoughts to Laura. She picked it up and checked the message.

Hey, Prostitute. Don't you dare forget about me? I know all the stunts you pull going to a party with that fool, and even meeting my mother-in-law. I told you, Lola Makinde. You will always be mine. No one else.

Lola blinked at the message. She had totally forgotten there was a fool playing pranks on her. If she wasn't thinking of taking the fool seriously before, now she had plans. She won't lose this relationship for anything.

"Is something wrong, Lola?"

Laura wore a confused look on her face. "Did you receive some sort of strange message? The moment you checked your phone, your mood has been off."

Lola shook her head at her, "It's just work. Feyi called to inform me about some things."

Laura sighed, "That's good then, but remember you have to cut some slack on your work and create more time for this relationship."

"Trust me, Laura. I won't let anything spoil this relationship, this time. I am going to become a Mrs., and not just because I am eager, but because I really like Samuel. He is mature, independent, nice, and caring."

Laura cooed, "I'm so happy for you, Laura. You deserve this. You deserve to be happy, and to have a relationship with an amazing man like Samuel."

A knock on their door interrupted their gist. Lola hoped it was Samuel. She was so eager to see him, after they left the party and decided it was their first day of being a couple. They had both gone to their separate room. Lola was so at ease with herself that she had woken up late, and missed seeing Samuel.

Rachael's head popped inside first, and then she moved inside without opening the door completely, "Good afternoon, ma." She knelt down until they had both responded to her. Lola beckoned on her to come closer and she ran to sit on her leg with a wide smile.

"How are you, Rachael?"

"I'm fine, Aunty Lola." She then frowned. Lola noticed and asked her what was wrong. "I don't like to call you Aunty Lola, can't I call you, mummy."

Lola blinked having no idea what to tell her. It would be nice to have her calling her mummy, but she can't give the go-ahead without Samuel's approval. What if he thought she manipulated his daughter into calling her mummy? "Aunty Lola is fine."

Stubbornly Rachael shook her head. "But I want you as my mummy. I will make sure my daddy makes you my mummy. Please, can I call you my mummy?" She pouted looking so cute that Lola couldn't resist her charm.


She jumped off her leg and started dancing. "I finally have a mummy. I finally have a mummy."

Lola stared at her in amusement. Not just Samuel was winning a space in her heart, but Rachael was also building herself a home in her heart. "Yes, you do."

"Are you that happy?" Laura laughed at her. Rachael stopped and nods severally. "I am very very happy, Aunt Laura. Now I have a mummy and an aunt I love."

The little girl sure has her way around words, Lola dragged her close and pulled her for a hug. "And I have a little beautiful daughter that I love so much."

She heard Rachael giggle before pulling away from her. "Well, that said mummy, we are having families day at school next week."

"Family day?"

She nodded, "Yes. Everyone will come with their families. They will also prepare their native food, and some parents will talk about their occupation in front of the students just to inspire us."

That was surely a great idea. "So, you are inviting me to your family day?"

Rachael nodded again, a wide smile on her face. "Of course. You are my mummy, so you have to go and represent me."

Lola smiled. She had been tricked by a ten-year-old. This was the reason, she had asked her to be her mummy. "I don't know, Rachael. I have to ask your daddy first."

Rachael gave her that charming look she had started to learn that she couldn't resist. "Please, just promise me. I will talk to Daddy about it."

She twisted her mouth and was planning to refuse, but one look at Rachael staring at her made her groan. "Fine. Fine. I will go if you daddy allows it."

She jumped up and down. "My daddy is going to allow it. I need to tell Daddy about it."

Was Samuel back already? Before she could ask her a question, Rachael was already running towards the door. She banged the door behind her, and Laura burst into laughter. "Lola Makinde was finally beaten in a business transaction. And it is just by a  little girl.  I never thought I would see a day you lose."

Lola smiled at Laura, "What am I supposed to do? She is a little girl."

Laura raised a brow, "Does this have anything to do with her handsome father?"

Lola blushed, "Seriously, Rachael is such a sweet kid. I like her father, but she has a special place in my heart."

"I know, Lola. She is one of the sweetest kids I know."

Lola smiled.

"You already have a soft spot for her."

"What can I do when she is that cute?"

"If this works out, you will make an amazing mother for that little girl

"I hope it works out."

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