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Samuel's POV

As the guys filed into the car, they hadn't expected Tomi. It was a surprise when he held the car door from closing and glared at them. "I'm going with you guys."

The guys all stared at themselves, unsure what to make of this. First, they thought everyone had gone and hadn't expected Tomi to storm on them unexpectedly. They didn't say a word. Tomi sighed, "I know it's not ideal to push myself on you guys suddenly, but Lola is my friend too. I want to save her just like you guys want to save her, too. What do you say? Let's do this together. It's better than wasting resources., working separately."

Samuel glared at him; for someone Lola had called shy, he sure talked a lot. He didn't have time to argue with him, so he had urged him in.

Junior boy rolled his eyes, "You've got to be kidding me, Sam. You're asking us to trust this stranger in such an important mission." He didn't bother hiding the disdain in his tone.

Not bothering about him, Tomi got into the car with them, "I don't mean any harm. I just want to help a friend." his golden chain and watch were gone. He looked less fleshy, which was good for them. They didn't need extra attention wherever they were going.

Junior boy wasn't backing down in this, "For what reason. I don't think you guys are that close. We can handle this on our own."

Samuel pinched his nose, "Fine, Junior. What exactly do you want? The guy is willing to help, and he has connections with the highest people in the state. In fact, in the country. You want us to reject his help." He turned to the rest. "Guys, what do you think? I'll follow whatever you guys decide. Should we kick him out or not?"

Tomi stared at them in amazement; they talked about him as if he wasn't in the car with them.

Lekan shrugged; either way, he was fine with it. Ibrahim nodded; it was another opportunity to make friends with someone with great connections. In this country, connection is everything. Mayor nodded, too; it's never wrong to have an extra willing hand. Akin nodded, too; they would need all the help they could get.

Samuel smiled, "I guess he's going with us then. Suck it up, J."

Junior Boy glared at him, ignoring the guys as Tomi settled in with them. Mayor had taken the position as the driver, and Akin sat beside him to give him directions. "So, what's the plan?" Tomi asked. He had no idea what they were on about. The only thing pushing him was the drive to help a needy friend.

Samuel turned to him, "We have an Intel about the guys that came with Seyi, so we are going over to check their hangout out. We need to know what we're dealing with before making any moves."

Tomi nodded, "Who gave you guys this Intel?" He needed to know everything.

Samuel wasn't sure how well he could trust this guy, "You don't need to know that." Plus, Akin had told them because they were brothers, he wasn't about to tell a stranger about his brother's deepest secret.

Sure enough, Tomi shrugged, "That's fair. But I hope you guys have the right location." And then he informed them about the step he had taken when he learned Lola had been kidnapped. He had sent her and Seyi pictures all around, promising whoever sees them first a huge sum.

Surprised, Samuel thanked him.

He smiled at him, "I'll do anything for Lola."

When he saw Samuel's glare, he rephrased his words with a chuckle, "I don't mean it that way. Lola has always helped the less privilege. I just wanted to help her in time of need."

Samuel smiled at him; of course, he knew he hadn't meant it negatively. The rest of the ride was silent as Akin served as the navigator while Mayor drove. Soon, the car started moving into the rural part of the city, and the bumps on the road were no joke as it threw the guys up and down, each clutching a part of the car to prevent them from hitting their head on the car.

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