⋆⋅ get up, you sleepyheads ⋅⋆

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The sun was slowly rising and Vi was already awake, with Ni-Ki's head still on her arm. Vi has always been a morning person although she loved sleeping. She just loved the way watching the sun turn a lighter shade felt.

Slowly moving her arm, she tried not to make shuffling noise. She stood up in her bed without realizing the ceiling, and loudly banged her head on it. I just forgot we weren't in I-LAND anymore, she thought as she rubbed her head. She climbed down her bunk and slowly walked towards the door. The sun's shine was starting to reflect on the windows of the living room. Some of their many bags were still scattered all over the place.

She walked to the make up room where she brushed her long hair and headed towards the bathroom afterwards where she placed her skin care products neatly in the drawer last night. As she applied moisturizer, she thought about yesterday's happenings. They were standing on the stage, her name being called, it all still felt surreal. She smiled to herself and tied her hair in a messy bun as she walked to the kitchen, deciding on what to eat.

She started grabbing all the ingredients for a stir fried ramen that she will cook for herself. As she cooked, time passed by too. And the moment she ate, the sun was already high above the clouds. She finished eating, washed her dishes, brushed her teeth and was now heading to the closet to choose her clothes. She does everything at a fast pace. She chose a grey skirt, a white button down shirt and a matching grey vest on top of it. First impressions were always a thing to her anyways, and besides it's their first day going to BigHit building and their first day as ENHYPEN.

She changed and was now curling her hair. She put on her usual peachy make up that always got well with her pale ivory skin tone and her shining black hair. She was putting her socks, when a staff checked the make up room, scaring her. "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed and laughed afterwards. "Your the only one awake?" The staff asked. "Yes, sir."

"Wake them up for me. They wouldn't listen if it was me anyways." She shrugged and continued with putting her shoes on. The staff went to wake the boys up. "Guys, let's get ready to leave." She heard the staff say. She heard an 'okay' from Jay. The staff left and Jay followed shortly, stopping at the Makeup room where Vi was putting her earrings.

"Good morning." He greeted as he came into the room, halting beside her as he scratched her chin. "Good morning to you too." Vi smiled, her dimple sinking into her cheek. Jay poked it. "Now's not the time for flirting." Vi said, trying to clasp her necklace. Jay held it and clasped it for her. "Maybe later then." He winked at her through the mirror, and left without another word. "Seriously, Jay?" She shrugged.

Minutes have passed and still no sign of the members, even Jay. She went to see what they were up to and to her dismay, Jay was back in his bed and asleep just like everyone. "What do i do to this people." She face palmed herself as she tried to figure out what would wake them up faster. She grinned to herself as she thought of an excellent idea. She went to the kitchen, and came back with two pot lids. She placed herself at the center of the room and...BANG!!

"What the hell???" Heeseung said. Jake and Jay bumped their heads on the top bunk as they sat up abruptly from the loud noise that scared the soul out of them.

"Get up, you sleepyheads." She said, grabbed the pot lids, and left. "Seriously, there's something wrong with her." Sunghoon said as he climbed down the stairs from his bunk, but...BANG!! Vi was standing at the doorway, staring furiously at Sunghoon, who fell on the floor. "I.heard.that." She sternly said.

Everyone shuffled and scrambled out of their beds, their eyes were still droopy yet they had to manage in order to avoid Vi banging the pot lids on the floor again because it scared the hell out of them.

"Where did she get the pot lids anyway?" Jake asked, his eyes closed, his voice raspy. "Maybe she summoned it, she said she was half witch." Sunoo scratched his head as he followed the rest out of the room.

"10 minutes guys." The staff said through the door. And with that, the boys hurried. They were scrambling everywhere, trying to get themselves ready for and beat the limited time. "Next time, i should bang those pot lids at 6 am." Vi said as she grabbed her sling bag and walked out of the dorm to the vans that were waiting for them. "Oh hell no." said Heeseung.

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I can hear the banging sounds😭😭

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