⋆⋅ what happened to you? ⋅⋆

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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

The next day, Vi woke up with a throbbing head and stinging eyes. She couldn't remember how she got to bed last night, all she remembered was crying over Harry.

To her bewilderment, when she looked around, all of the boys' beds were empty. She panicked and opened her phone to find a couple of text messages from Heeseung. "We didn't wake you up because you didn't. Get ready to come here, a staff will get you. Were still on make up don't worry." Sent 10 minutes ago.

She looked out of the window to see the sun already shining high up the clouds. She cursed under her breath and hurriedly climbed down the stairs from her bunk. She stumbled on the way to the closet where she grabbed a white long sleeved turtleneck and a black checkered vest and baggy jeans. She hurried to the bathroom which she bumped her head on the closed door and cursed for the second time a few minutes after she woke up.

Her expression softened when she saw how she looked like. She really did cry a lot last night, her eyes were puffy and so was her face. Not a good timing for photoshoot day. She washed her face with cold water and hurriedly applied moisturizer on her face and lip balm on her dry lips before running out of the bathroom and into the make up room where she avoided eye contact with the photo album and only get the LV sneakers.

She grabbed her already prepared LV small bag and the next thing she did was rummage through the fridge for something to eat on the way. To her dismay everything in there needed to be cooked and so she began to rummage in the pantry and grabbed her favorite snack, Doritos. With a Pepsi can and Doritos in hand, she opened the door to the house and bumped into a staff that was going to get her. "Good, i thought i was still going to wake you up. Uhm, are you okay? You look like you cried. A lot." The staff held her shoulders and she forced a smile on her lip. "No, ma'am. I am completely fine. Shall we go now?"

The drive to the location was quiet. It was only her and a staff and the driver after all. All she did was eat and fill in her empty stomach while looking out of the window to distract herself from thinking about Harry. She didn't even say Hi to the cameras or even talk to it for the fans who were going to watch and the staffs started getting suspicious because of her gloomy attitude and expression. Like she wasn't talking at all and her expression was so convincing that something happened to her.

When they arrived, Vi breathed deeply before walking out of the car and handing the rest of the Doritos to the staff and wiping some crumbs off her clothes. She entered the studio and familiar faces of staffs greeted her. She was lead to a hallway and into glass doors where her members are getting ready.

She walked inside and the first member she saw was Jake, who was holding a camera and interviewing members with it. "Vi is here- Ohhhh, are you okay?" He lowered the camera and stared at her with worry. She forced a smile again and said she was okay but that didn't convince Jake. He turned off the camera and handed it to a staff, crossed his arms on his chest and stared at her. "Stop lying. You look like you cried." He sternly said, narrowing his eyes at her. If Vi was panicking, she didn't show it. "You need to go to the eye doctor, Jake." She walked pass him and Jungwon met her halfway. He frowned when she saw her.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He worried, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Definitely." She lied and forced a smile again. "No. No your not. You cried, didn't you?" His frown deepened and his tone was serious. "You too??" She walked away from him towards the make up tables but Sunghoon popped up infront of her.

"What happened to you?" His smile vanished when he got a good look of her. "What do you mean?" She played, putting on a curios look hoping that it would convince him, but he didn't move, except that he brushed a finger on cheek and said: "Did you cry?" He didn't sound like Jake or Jungwon, his voice and tone was soft when he asked. She rapidly shook her head. "N-no, why w-would i?" She stammered. "Oops, the make up unnie is calling me, bye now."

She ran away from him, feeling tears forming in her eyes but she blinked them back and sat infront of the mirror as the make up artist did her work.

"Your so puffy my dear, did you cry?" She asked. Vi breathed deeply, trying to fight back the tears again. She sighed and shook her head, making eye contact with the make up artist through the mirror. The make up artist nodded and acted as though she believed her. But the shine of tears in her eyes didn't go unnoticed, and she would tell the members and their manager.

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

Incorrect quotes

Jungwon, about Ni-Ki: Apparently we're getting someone new in the group.

Sunghoon: Are we stealing them?

Sunoo: New or used?

Jungwon: Wonderful responses, both of you.

Vi: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other people?

Jake: Plane tickets?

Sunghoon: Concert tickets?

Jay: Prostitution?

Vi, holding their broken frames: Glasses.

Sunoo, Jungwon, and Ni-Ki are sitting on a bench
Vi: Why do you guys look so sad?

Sunoo: Sit down with us so we can tell you.

*Vi sits down*

Jungwon: The bench is freshly painted.

Did it work?

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